Your Favorite Game

Started by Darkstar707, May 04, 2009, 08:57:12 AM

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What was your ALL TIME favorite game so far? Why? Do you still have it?

Mine was Tribes 2 because me and my dad used to go lan on that and it was epic. We would be getting into bombers and bombing the other teams base, funnest game I have played thus far. I actually do still have it, but it is uninstalled ATM.


Mount and Blade. It's just plain cool.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


mmm I don't really know what the best game I've ever played is, so here's a fun list

Breath of Fire 4 is the game of my wasted youth, I still love it
TES3 : Morrowind is brilliant
Tribes 2, brilliant fun, I got a bunch of well scripted maps so I can just do maps with masses of bots
Goldeneye for the N64 was just :D
Iron Grip Warlord is one of the most original FPS I've played
Timesplitters: Future Perfect best FPS for the last console generation
Mount and Blade mounted combat, need I say more?
Rome: Total War because I haven't played Empire yet, I want to have time to revise before exams :)


Quote from: "stormcloud"Goldeneye for the N64 was just :D

Silver Wolf

Mount & Blade, Stronghold and Diablo are my favourite games... I'm not really in mood to explain why but all of them are brilliant...
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


Diablo was the first ever game I played, so it has a kind of sentimental value that makes it enjoyable to play.

Mount & Blade was the first game I bought with my own money, and the modablity of it is incredible, so it is a good game.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is THE MOST EPIC GAME ON THE PLANET!!!

The Sims 3 is a very new and astounding game (Yes I have it. Bask in my glory!) with SO many new features and improvements from The Sims 2.

Faces of War is a very good game, and surprisingly addictive. It's also fun playing the game using the GEM Editor for obvious reasons.

Call of Duty 1, 2, 4 and 5 are probably the games that have had the most playing time. I don't know why but the replayability factor of any CoD games is just spectactular, and the multiplayer is so fun, and there are still so many players in the earlier games.
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