Crunchless Challenge

Started by Jubal, October 03, 2021, 05:10:33 PM

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Probably more one for the professionals, but I thought this was an interesting idea: a longer time-span type of game jam with more of an aim to get something completed at the end. Not sure how I feel about the requirements/suggestions on polish, documentation, marketing, etc - it seems like it might fall into an annoying gap where it's hanging over people, but also too short to produce really solid games? But I may be wrong about that.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I like the idea. I'd be more inclined to participate in that game jam than any other. With game james generally I'm not sure I'm happy creating something within a limited time frame.
That one is much more relaxed, though, which is good - and I would like to try doing at least one some day.

Unfortauntely I don't think I'd have sufficient free time in the run up to the deadline. Maybe next year though!
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