Fan Minesweeper Game [BETA]

Started by Private Clark, January 01, 2011, 07:41:32 AM

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Private Clark

Current Version: 0.3 BETA


So i thought I'd update you guys on my latest pet project.
I've discovered minesweeper during classes this year and am really addicted so i decided to make my own minesweeper game with Game Maker 8 for fun. Almost all the art is original (some of the icons arent) and it is still very limited but it think its pretty good so far.

Some Limitations
-the boards arent randomly created, I hand made every board and hopefully and eventualy there will be enough per difficulty so that it appears that you dont get the same board again... this is because i dont know how to generate a new board and i dont want to bite off more than i can chew
-there are no stats, idk how to do that yet
-exe file is zipped because i cannot upload an exe file. the game is a standalone file.

PLEASE NOTE: Savegame are not compatible with newer versions of the game, any new features since the game was saved will be missing, this is how Game Maker's save system works.

What's New?
-Start of Medium levels (5 New Levels!)
-New Easy Levels (5 New Levels!)
-New about screen/help screen
-To Prevent any bugs, savegames are now incompatible with previous versions
-Empty tiles open up by themselves now!

Due to lack of interest I am no longer updating Minesweeper and instead will be focusing on a new game: Breakout! also in this forum. Feel free to download the gmk and use/continue the game in any way you see fit as long as original credit is given.

Please report any bugs in the thread, if there is a mistake on the board(ex: the number indicating how many mines it is touching is wrong) please take a screenshot of the board in question and I will fix it as soon as possible.



It seems to be working well, from a few playtests. It'll be good to see it developed further.

I love the bombs; animating the flags would be a nice touch too if do-able.

Good work anyhow, won three games so far.  :D
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Private Clark

Ive uploaded an update that makes the game alot more polished imo and i added some levels. Full changelog coming soon, in the minetime, CHECK IT OUT.

EDIT: I totally misspelled meantime by accident as minetime but im going to leave it like that lol.


Also very good, though I've only had time to play through one game on v2 so may not have found any bugs.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Private Clark

thanks for replying :)
Ive done a partial UI overhaul for v0.2.5. more will be coming soon in 0.3.
Let me know what you guys think of the new ingame UI?


It's looking great thus far. Could you write a brief description for the EG Officialdom thread & the eventual page on the site? (I mean, I know there's not a vast amount you can say about minesweeper, but ya know.)

The addition of the clock is nice, as well, though it often seems to carry on going after I'm finished...
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Private Clark

sure il write something for you in a bit. actually on second thought il write it in game and you can copy paste it i guess cause i need some sort of description in game.

About the timer, that shouldnt be happening, il look into it, thanks for the bug report :)

Private Clark

Ive checked and im not getting the timer not stopping problem, make sure you arent loading an old save game. From now one save games will have the version number attached, the game will also recognize if the save game is compatible. Previous versions didnt have a timer that stopped so when you load an old game it might load that problem as well.

Private Clark

Hey guys, sorry for not putting out a release in awhile, i hurt my back skiing a couple of weeks ago so i havent had time to work on minesweeper much since but ive got a surprise for you guys for next release :).

Son of the King

Quote from: "Private Clark"I havent figured out how to make all the spaces next to empty ones open up automatically like they do in the real game. I will give this another shot soon.
I've never used GM before, so don't know whether it would be possible (it depends on how you represent the board in your code for example), but if each board tile has a unique ID that is in a specific order, it would be possible to find the adjacent tiles quickly, then it would be a matter of checking each of the tiles adjacent to the selected tile, and if it is clear then opening it up and checking the tiles adjacent to it etc.
Code: Example function to open up all adjacent non-bomb tiles

function openAdjacents(adjacents)
   for tile in adjacents
       if tile != bomb
           open tile
           openAdjacents([list of adjacent tiles])
       end if
   end for
end function

If I was writing this, I would make each tile an instance of a tile class with one of its attributes a list of the 8 adjacent tiles.

Edit: Why on earth does the code tag remove indentation?

Private Clark

I actualy figured out how to have empty spaces open up automaticaly, itl be in the next release...which hopefully will be up within a couple of days, im just working on making more boards (since they arent autogenerated i need to make each one by hand).

Private Clark

Alright guys its taken longer than I would have liked (i've been busy with school tests so I havent been able to work too much on the game) but 0.3 is finally out. Empty tiles now open up those around them like in the real minesweeper.

As always your feedback is appreciated :)