Workshop: Converting Different Styles of Units to RTR!

Started by ahowl11, February 24, 2014, 04:27:32 AM

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Hello there!
This should be a fun project led by TBTWB. Basically we will be converting Ferres units amongst others to have the look of RTR. This will add a plethora of units to our options when putting new units in and it will give our mod a unique flavor that will separate itself from the others!

Basically there will be two download links. The first will contain Ferres style units, created by Ferres himself, Algaman, and Milner. The second will contain all of the textures that we are currently using and textures that we could use if we wanted to. So in the end, TBTWB and whoever else who is able to pitch in will have a large data base of textures to work with. Note, I will also be uploading units from other sources that would need editing so it won't just be Ferres units. Also, by having the RTR style units handy that gives you the resources and examples you need to edit the other units.

Now, not EVERY SINGLE UNIT in these links need to be edited. That would take forever. But we will go through them and choose the ones we need and don't need for the mod. We will then communicate the file names to you here, so you can get started.

The goal is to either edit the current Ferres Textures to fit the RTR style, or give the Ferres Models completely new textures to fit the RTR style. If you go with the former, the main things that would need to be changed are the faces, and skin color of the units as they differ from RTR's. Next would be to edit the cloth texture, and also get rid of the constant Orange/Black/Yellow/Red colors found in the textures.

Once a new model/texture is ready, put it in game for testing and take a few screens for the rest of us to see. Then after it passes 'inspection' upload the necessary files so Bercor can pick them up and make the Unit Cards.

If you have any questions, just ask!

Ferres Style Units - These are the style of units that need to be edited the most. You have all of them at your disposal, but we won't be editing all of them haha.

RTR Style Units - These are units that you'll be using as a reference, you can also use these textures for the new textures, especially the faces and cloth textures.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Wow, a modeller.  :o
A species in danger of extinction.
Pay attention, kids.