Adding Units Method

Started by ahowl11, March 19, 2014, 11:19:29 PM

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Quote from: ahowl11 on March 25, 2014, 04:21:18 AM
Is it possible to make different lines?
Yes. Each line would require a different building tree, however. You don't generally have them on a per-faction basis.

eg: A "roman" line, a "carthaginian" line, a "barbarian" line, a "greek" line etc already take up a tree each.

Now, with modfoldering, making sure the player's faction has its own line is probably the most important. It's fine if two barbarian AI factions can use one another's barracks line.

Now splitting stables and practice ranges across faction will be... yeah that's not a great idea, though you could have the unit recruitment require an appropriate level of barracks ... hm, though that would be confusing to the player actually.
Quote from: ahowl11 on March 25, 2014, 04:21:18 AM
For auxilia building probably a barracks or trader. For mercenary probably a trader and port.
That's perfectly doable. Multiple levels, or just one?

Quote from: ahowl11 on March 25, 2014, 04:21:18 AM
We won't have camillan units so no polybian reform. Just the Marian. However there needs to be other reforms for Carthage and the Greeks
I can't really help with script-based reforms, I think they work by changing some unconstructable building in every settlement.

Quote from: ahowl11 on March 25, 2014, 04:21:18 AM
I want to do the RS2 method with AOR. a1r1 a1r2 etc
Yeah, that's doable. Needs us to have finalized the map and regions before discussing which settlements fall in which "areas of recruitment"


Okay well a new map is still up in the air right now. Until it is actually made we need to stick to the one we have. Besides 1.0 will be released with our current map anyway. I suggest we start outlining areas with the regions attached to them.

As for the recruitment method regarding barracks, stables, and practice ranges, what do you suggest?
I agree that we need separate lines per culture.

For the auxilia buildings we will have multiple levels. I suggest downloading RTRPE 1.9. Check out how they organized everything. I believe there are four levels.
We can also tie the government and client state system to this building.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


FYI, the guys from Novus Ordus Mundi (an incomplete EB's submod) just went open source:!

Maybe we can use one or two edited units from them, who knows...