
Started by Mausolos of Caria, February 28, 2014, 09:10:49 PM

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Mausolos of Caria

Salvete commilitones,

as I announced on the other thread, here is an own thread for our new mercenary units. As we discussed before, we will have Mercenary centers and mercenary ports for those factions that utilized mercenaries the most- especially the hellenistic kingdoms and Carthage. There will still be AOR mercenaries available in field in their correspondent home territories (like Rhodian slingers on Rhodes) and we will need to discuss them later, along with AOR levies available to the Successor states and other big states. So for now, here are the mercenary centers and ports and their respective mercenaries:

Mercenary Centers

Pella (Macedon)


Aitolian Pirates

Illyrian Spearmen - CHEAPER thanks to them becoming cleruchs in Macedon

Cretan archers- CHEAPER thanks to treaty between Macedon and Cretan cities

Gallic/Galatian swordsmen - CHEAPER thanks to cleruchies

Galatian skirmishers (javelinmen) - CHEAPER thanks to cleruchies

Thracian Infantry

Rhodian Slingers

Greek Hoplites

Mercenary Pezoi

Galatian Cavalry- CHEAPER (see above)

Illyrian Cavalry - CHEAPER

Trallian Guard- REFORM Unit (Mercenary bodyguard of the king)

Thermon (Aitolian League)


Tarentine Cavalry

Cretan Archers

Akarnanian Hoplites

Antiocheia (Seleucids)


Mercenary Pezoi

Galatian Swordsmen

Galatian Cavalry

Cretan Archers

Rhodian Slingers

Thracian Infantry

Greek Hoplites

Amisos/Amaseia (Pontos)


Galatian swordsmen

Galatian cavalry

Scythian horse archers - after REFORM

Cretan archers- REFORM

Thracian Infantry - REFORM

Sparta (Sparta) (Not there at the start, can be build after reforms)


Greek mercenary cavalry

Tarentine cavalry

Cretan archers

Peloponnesian hoplites

Pergamon (Pergamon)


Trallian infantry

Cretan archers

Rhodian slingers

Achaian peltasts

Galatian cavalry (REFORM)

Galatian infantry (REFORM)

Aigion (Achaian League) (Only buildable after reform)


Thracian Cavalry

Illyrian Spearmen

Mercenary Peltasts

Tarentine Cavalry

Cretan Archers

Ambrakia (Epiros)


Aitolian Pirates

Aitolian Cavalry (Hippakontistai)

Aitolian Peltasts

Akarnanian Hoplites

Galatian Swordsmen

Tarentine Cavalry

Mercenary Pezoi

Baktra (or whatever their capital will be, since they are not in yet)


Greek Hoplites

Mercenary Thureophoroi

Mercenary Thorakitai

Mercenary Pezoi

Mercenary Peltasts

Dahae horse archers

Illyrian cavalry

Mercenary Prodromoi


Gortyn (Cretans)


Carian Warriors

Thracian Infantry

Peloponnesian Hoplites

Carthage (Carthage)


Greek Hoplites

Greek Mercenary Cavalry

Celtiberian Warriors

Nuragic Archers

Corsi Javelinmen

Gallic Swordsmen

Mauri Cavalry

Mauri Iaculatores

Balearic Slingers

Iberian Scutarii

Iberian Cavalry

Libyan Javelinmen

Libyan Hoplites/Spearmen

Numidian Cavalry

Carthago Nova (Carthage)


Gallic Swordsmen

Mauri Cavalry

Mauri Iaculatores

Nuragic Archers

Balearic Slingers

Libyan Javelinmen

Numidian Cavalry

Lilybaion (Carthage)


Iberian Cavalry

Ligurian Warriors

Gallic Swordsmen

Nuragic Archers

Torrean Warriors

Hopplomachi Campani

Celtiberian Warriors

Iberian Scutarii

Balearic Slingers

Libyan Javelinmen

Libyan Hoplites

Numidian Cavalry

Syracuse (Syracuse)


Hopplomachi Campani

Oscan Swordsmen

Iberian Scutarii

Etruscan Hoplites

Bruttian Swordsmen

Lucanian Spearmen

Peloponnesian Hoplites

Roman Deserters- REFORM

Athens (Athens)


Thracian Infantry

Tarentien Cavalry

Carian Warriors

Rhodes (Rhodos)


Cretan archers- CHEAPER due to treaty with Hierapytna

Alexandria (Ptolemaic Empire)


Aitolian Peltasts

Rhodian Slingers

Thracian Broadswordsmen

Carian Warriors/Light Infantry (or AOR Egypt as normal troops, considering their history)

Peloponnesian Hoplites

Cretan Archers

Galatian Swordsmen

Mercenary Pezoi

General questions that are still open:

1. Should the normal Thracian infantry fight with a falx? (Needing some Thracian expert here). Edit: Vanilla RTW said they used a falx called Romphaia. Wikipedia confirms it, but both sources might not be the best.

2. Would the (Celt)Iberians use the Falcata? (Needing some Iberian expert here)
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



No Carians in Rhodos? :'(

Mausolos of Caria

I just changed my mind there, they should be a regular unit there, considering the fact that Rhodos controlled Caria for most of the time between 280 BC and the Roman conquest.
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



Mausolos of Caria

I hope it's even possible that Carthage has access to different units in different cities, haha. And if we follow up on the idea that you can build new mercenary centers, we would need to decide which units should be available there.
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''


Mausolos of Caria

Added Thracian and Greek mercenaries to Gortyn (both were used by the Cretan city states). I took the Peloponnesian hoplites for them since it seems to make sense and we already have the unit. We might also add mercenary peltasts, and Cretan slingers for other factions (see other threads).
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''


Mausolos of Caria

Just had a chat with Cheesy_Freak, here's what he said on Carthage's Iberian warriors:

Celtiberian Warriors: Swordsmen, used the gladius hispaniensis, other Celts would use Iron antena swords or other local variants

Iberian Scutarii: Used a Scutum and spear or falcata

Iberian (Scutarii) Cavalry: With a scutum, like this
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



Quote from: Mausolos of Caria on March 01, 2014, 01:27:16 AM
I hope it's even possible that Carthage has access to different units in different cities, haha. And if we follow up on the idea that you can build new mercenary centers, we would need to decide which units should be available there.
Doable. That's EDB work, same like any AOR unit.

(We will be able to identify each settlement specifically)

Mausolos of Caria

Great news then  :) That only leaves my question about the Thracians ;)
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''
