Electronics, hot wires, and this guy.

Started by Flamekebab, August 21, 2015, 10:27:41 PM

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Right! I trekked across Cambridge and back and retrieved a power supply from someone. His mother then pointedly closed the door, attached the previously unattached security chain, and closed the curtains before I had the chance to even put the thing in my bag. I guess that's what I get for showing up all jovial at 17:15 with several hours of warning!

Anyway, this time I didn't have any trouble with the capacitors and the whole thing is more modern and large. This meant that fitting the connections wasn't anywhere near as much of an ordeal:

In theory the connections should be 3.3V, 5V, and 12V but I measured them and that's what they're putting out. Close enough!

It's going to be fun to have the kind of connectors we had in the physics lab at school. I've only been back there twice since I finished in 2005 and on the first occasion that grim little lab looked like this:

Good riddance. What freaked me out a little was the fact that it's been longer since that photo was taken than the entire time I was at that school. I was there from 11 to 18. I took the photo with a smartphone. I'm gettin' old!

Anyway, now I have a bench supply hopefully I can finally learn that stuff about electronics that I didn't learn back then. That is to say understanding. I got an A in GCSE physics but that was like playing tennis with the net down. Actually - probably easier than that! I could never deal with how small tennis courts are...