Guide to Party Relationships (M&B Vanilla)

Started by Jubal, June 04, 2010, 02:26:30 PM

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Alayen (Vaegir)
Likes Ymira
Dislikes Nizar, Marnid

Artimenner (Rhodok)
Likes Lezalit
Dislikes Jeremus

Bahestur (Khergit)
Likes Rolf
Dislikes Katrin

Borcha (Khergit)
Likes Marnid
Dislikes Klethi, Deshavi

Bunduk (Rhodok)
Likes Katrin

Firentis (Swadian)
Likes Jeremus
Dislikes Katrin, Nizar

Jeremus (Rhodok)
Likes Firentis
Dislikes Artimenner, Rolf

Lezalit (Geroian)
Likes Artimenner
Dislikes Ymira

Marnid (Geroian)
Likes Borcha
Dislikes Alayen, Baheshtur

Nizar (Khergit?)
Likes Matheld
Dislikes Alayen, Firentis

Rolf (Foreign)
Likes Baheshtur
Dislikes Jeremus, Deshavi


Deshavi (Unspecified/Nord)
Likes Klethi
Dislikes Rolf, Borcha

Katrin (Swadian)
Likes Bunduk
Dislikes Baheshtur, Firentis

Klethi (?)
Likes Deshavi
Dislikes Borcha

Matheld (Nord)
Likes Nizar

Ymira (Swadian?)
Likes Alayen
Dislikes Nizar, Lezalit
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Son of the King

Also wikified!

If anyone feels like adding a description to each of the companions on there then please do so :) .