Rome Total Realism Gold & Platinum Edition 1.9/2.0

Started by ahowl11, November 10, 2013, 07:35:19 PM

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Here are the versions of the classic mod Rome: Total Realism. I decided to not upload RTR 6 Gold because PE 1.9/2.0 are Gold, just modified to run on the most current version of the RTW engine. However, I will include all of the features of 6.0 Gold as well as screenshots.

Depending on what RTW expansions you own, will determine whether you download 1.9 or 2.0. If you only have RTW/BI you will download 1.9. If you have the Alexander Expansion, it is Preferred that you download 2.0. Personally I recommend that if you do not have Alexander, to buy it as it is very cheap and worth it when it comes to this mod.

Rome: Total Realism 6.0



The Polybian Roman Army (From top left to bottom right): Principes, Velites, Triarii, Equites, Hastati, Accensi, Funtidores, Rorarii. Modified version of Ferres' skins

The Illyrian Army (From top left to bottom right): Slingers, Slaves, Skirmishers, Light Hoplites, Peltasts, Warband, Heavy Hoplites, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry

Some Armenian units: Archers, Imitation Legionaries, Skirmishers

The new Rome: Total Realism 6.0 mercenaries

Marian Romans: Auxilia, Sagitarii, Legionaries, Equites Alares

The 6.0 Carthagians by spartan_warrior

Some more of the 6.0 Armenian units - not all units are shown.

Hi-res render of the Polybian Principes and Equites

Italian infantry, a unit within the Italic AoR

Mauryan auxilaries recruitable in the far eastern provinces

Some of the 6.0 Numidians - and the new faction combat banner.

The new faction icons (from top left to bottom right): Illyria, Sarmatians, Rome, Numidia, Parthia, Iberians, Greek Cities, Germans, Pontus, Bactria, Seleucid Empire, Armenia, Macedon, Ptolemaic Empire, Gauls, Carthage, Thrace, Slaves

Some of the auxilaries avalible in the new ZoR+ system, there is over a dozen AoR (area of recruitment) so your armies should be diverse and regionally specific.

Some more assorted AoR auxilaries!

The new and improved campaign map - a vast improvement over the old map in every way. You can simulate historically accurate and epic campaigns!

Rome: Total Realism 6.0 ZoR+ (Zone of Recruitment) and AoRs (Area of Recruitment)

Italian AoR:
Italian Infantry
Italian Skirmishers
Italian Cavalry
Italian Hoplites

Gallic AoR:
Gallic Warband
Gallic Swordsmen
Gallic Cavalry

Briton AoR:
Celtic Warband
Celtic Swordsmen
Celtic Slingers

Germanic AoR:
Germanic Warband
Germanic Skirmishers
Germanic Cavalry

Greek AoR:
Greek Irregulars
Greek Levy Hoplites
Greek Skirmishers

Macedon AoR:
Macedonian Irregulars
Macedonain Levy Pikemen
Macedonian Light Horse
Macedonian Skirmishers

Iberian AoR:
Iberian Spearmen
Iberian Skirmishers
Iberian Cavalry

Punic AoR:
African Horse
African Infantry
Numidian Cavalry

Numidia AoR:
Beber Warriors
Numidian Cavalry
African Elephants
Numidian Infantry

Ptolemaic AoR:
Native Slinger
Machimoi Cavalry

Sarmatian AoR:
Horse Archers
Heavy Horse
Scytho-Sarmatian Irregulars

Asiatic/Persian AoR:
Asiatic Skirmishers
Asiatic Bowmen
Asiatic Horsemen
Asiatic Infantry

Bactria/Indian AoR:
Indian Infantry
Indian Mountainmen
Indian War Elephants
Iranian Lancers

Dacia/Thrace AoR:
Thracian Infantry
Light Horse
Dacian Infantry

ZoR is not a new concept, ZoR is already part of RTR5.4. The main difference between ZoR and ZoR+(RTR6.), Previous version of ZoR had some major negative points, because the previous ZoR relied on culture, it ment that similar cultures wouldnt need to assimiliate the new province, and could recruit the local population right from capture. The new ZoR+ now means that all faction much build there ZoR buildings, meaning regardless of culture, all factions must assimiliate the new province in order to recruit troops.

New Terms that will be used with ZoR+:
Homeland - Provinces with Citizenship, these provinces can train regular troops, have increased growth and better loyalty.
Borderland - Provinces newly captured without Citizenship, these provinces can only train auxilia and unloyal.
(Once a borderland provinces is granted citizenship it becomes a homeland province)
AoR (Area of Recruitment) The AoR is the areas in which auxilias are available.

Gameplay will drasticly change, no more "blitzkreig" campaign, instead the player will have to garrison new provinces to hold them. You wont be able to train a large garrison after capturing a province, instead you will have to build up the new province in order to train a garrison, or you will have to send troops form your homeland to garrison these new provinces.

Keeping you provinces free of rebels and invading armies will be much more important, you will need to keep your provinces clean so that troops can retern to and from borderland provinces for retraining in the homeland and so armies can be reinforced.

Peasent have been removed so no units will be recruitable until unit phase1 has been build:

Civilised Factions:
Phase1 - Occupation Bonuses: Law +5% Recruitment: Group1
Phase2 - Assimiliation Bonuses: Law +10% Recruitment: Group1 and Group2
Phase3 - Colonization Bonuses: Law +15% Recruitment: Group1, Group2 and Group3
Phase4 - Citizenship Bonuses: Law +20% Recruitment: Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4 and Militia

Barbarian Factions:
Phase1 - Occupation Bonuses: Income +10%, Happiness -5% Recruitment: Group1
Phase2 - Migration Bonuses: Income +5%, Law +5% Recruitment: Group1 and Group2
Phase3 - Colonisation Bonuses: Law +15% Recruitment: Group1, Group2 and Group3

Auxilia units have also be divided into groups:
Group1 - Infantry and Skirmisher, these units have poor morale and no training, they are cheap to buy and upkeep.
Group2 - Better Infantry Archers, Slingers, Missile Cavalry and Light Cavalry these have poor morale but some training, they cost more than Group1.
Group3 - Heavy Cavalry and Nobility Auxilia Units, these have poor morale but good training, they are expensive to buy and upkeep.
Group4 - Elephants, Chariots and other Elite Units, theres have average morale, good training but are really expensive to buy and upkeep.

After Construction of (Civilised)Phase4 or (Barbarian)Phase3 regular units will become available, then the unit will become available like the barracks already do in 5.x.
Other buildings will be constructable even if none of the phases are present. But because base unrest levels are being increased by 10-20%, it will be very difficult to keep unrest down without the Phase buildings.
Because the barbarians have less phases they can assimiliate a new province faster than civilised factions, also barbarian faction have limited AoR available to them (see barb changes section)

Changes to other Buildings:
Stables: There is not only one stable type, all factions can use any stable, as long as that province has there factions (Civilised)Phase4 or (Barbarian)Phase3
Ranges: There is not only one range type, all factions can use any range, as long as that province has there factions (Civilised)Phase4 or (Barbarian)Phase3. Seige weapons will require Seige Works and Acadamy

Barbarian Faction Changes:
The new ZoR+ also will make major changes to certain factions in particular. Barbarian Factions will be seriously effected by the new ZoR. Barbarian Factions will now be loosely restricted to where they can expand, forging a barbarian empire will be possible, just a major challenge. Barbarians will now only be able to recruit auxilias in certain neighbouring AoR. For example, Gauls will only be able to train auxilias in Britain, Gaul, Iberian and Italy, outside them AoR gauls will no longer be able to train auxilia, and will have to complete Phase3 so that they can produce regular troops.

Barbarian Factions Include:

Illyrian fit in the middle, they will be able to assimiliate as fast as other Barbarians, but will have more AoR available to them.

Carthage Changes:
The new ZoR+ also has a major effect on the setup of Carthage, they will not rely heavily on auxilia units, Carthage will now only have 3 Units, Poeni Infantry, Sacred Legion and Sacred Legion Cavalry. Instead Carthage will get better auxilia, this will make carthages armies very diverse and far more accurate. At Phase4 all auxilias will receive a 2xp bonus.

6.1 Changes
Bug Fixes, Bug Fixes, BUG FIXES, BUG FIXES, and you guessed it, more Bug Fixes
All around statistical changes and balancing issues.
New Roman Polybian skins
New Germanic units and skins
Darthmod 7.0
Skymod 1.31
Dark89's Navalmod (Statistics Only)
Land Bridges (Sicily-Southern Italy, Sardinia-Corsica, Lesbos-Asia Minor, Cyprus-Asia Minor, Attica-Chalcis, Scandinavia)
Optional Music Score (by Vlad Kuryluk)
New Historical Battle - Cynocephalae
Tons of new Custom Battle Locations from Darth Mod
GAFH Trait Mod
Some new miscellaneous units, and skins

6.2 Changes
-Close to 100 bug fixes ranging from low to medium severity, reported to us via our Bug Reporting forums.
-New Sarmatian units
-New Roman Polybian units
-Gloss Textures for all units in the game enabling true reflections on reflective surfaces such as helmets, armors, metallic shields, cataphract armor, shin guards, belt buckles, spear tips, sword blades etc
-Darth's Formations mod 8.0
-Archer's skymod 1.32
-Fireship's thinner dust mod, and no projectile trails mod

Rome: Total Realism Platinum Edition 1.9

The RTR Platinum Team proudly presents the v1.9 build for download. There are several fixes and updates within this build, making it the most stable build for RTR Platinum.

Rome: Total Realism Platinum Edition 2.0

Rome Total Realism Platinum Edition v2.0 requires Rome Total War Alexander to be installed.

v2.0 - 31 August 2012

- 100% mod foldered.
- Updated to be playable with RomeTW-ALX.exe
- Revised cavalry/missile units requirement to prevent CTD when viewing units from building panel.
- Changed internal roman faction to prevent 66BC CTD (*) when playing as Rome Republic.
- Enabled original RTR 6 Gold Intro.
- Includes CTD Fix version2 (for RTR Platinum 1.9) by Salvor Hardin.
- Some bug fixes here and there.
- Make provinces with timber (and ports) only able to recruit naval units.
- Enable BI style Name Legion (refer Roman Legion Guide for reference).
* There are still some CTDs. Please ensure that you save a lot.

Additional mods included:
- Include Force Diplomacy Mod.
- Becksim's Gladius Loading Bar for RTR (optional option for RTR Platinum 1.9).
- Sinuhet's AI Battle Formations Mod (optional option for RTR Platinum 1.9).
- Includes RTR 6 Music (Marcus Camillus Remix).
- Includes Roman Leadership Mod for RTRPE 1.9 by Marcus Camillus (part of Marcus Camillus' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod for RTR Platinum).
- Added DAVIDE.COOL Servian & Greek Walls.



There is only one Roman faction in the game. All four factions from RTW have been condensed into one.
The Republic of Rome starts out with control of Central Italy. The Romans have many Legionary infantry and supporting auxiliary troops but lack in quality cavalry. They are still the only faction allowed to construct amphitheatres and construct highways over paved roads, in keeping with Roman history.


Barbarian factions have both distinct advantages and disadvantages. Unlike civilized factions, they cannot build stone walls, nor roads better than basic ruts, which inhibits their strategic movement. More importantly, their technology is limited to only three city levels, as opposed to five for civilized factions. Thus they tend to research their most advanced units more quickly than other factions. Barbarian armies are undisciplined and rely on brute force and numerical superiority. Barbarian infantry have greater attack but lower defence in comparison to infantry of other factions.

The Gauls start out with a very large territory mainly in modern France and northern Italy. The Gauls have good swordsmen and archers, but little cavalry and even fewer special units, making the Gauls a rather basic barbarian faction.

The Illyrians are a Barbarian faction that starts out with control of modern day Croatia and Albania. It has many capable skirmishers and Greek-inspired Hoplites with some cavalry choice.

The Germans begin to the northeast of Gaul and the east of Britannia, in what today would be considered The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. German forces include superb but undisciplined infantry, few cavalry choices, and a few different units of axemen.

The Iberians are a semi-civilized Barbarian nation that begins on the Iberian peninsula, and controls all of modern Spain and Portugal except for the central and southern areas, which are controlled by Rebels and Carthage, respectively. They are a Carthago-Barbarian faction who combine elements of both cultures. Their units include solid fanatical infantry units with some cavalry choices. The Iberians, unlike other Barbarian factions, have the option to build stone walls in minor cities.

The Thracians rely mainly on heavy infantry, notably the falx-wielding troops available early on in the game. They are located in eastern Europe around modern Bulgaria.

The Sarmatians are overwhelmingly composed of horse archers. The Sarmatians control an extensive territory but few provinces in Eastern Europe, roughly corresponding to modern Ukraine and the surrounding area.


The Greek factions are located in or near the eastern Mediterranean Sea, mainly on the Balkan peninsula and around Anatolia and also in modern Turkey. Greek armies tend to focus on extremely strong infantry which utilize the superior phalanx formation at the expense of other forms of infantry, cavalry, and archers.

The Greek Cities surprisingly start out with very little control in Greece. They have a good selection of hoplite infantry, including Spartans (the best infantry in the game), but little cavalry.

The Kingdom of Macedon's main force focuses largely on the Phalanx pikemen and hoplites with a good selection of cavalry. Macedon begins with territories in the north and east coast of the Aegean Sea.

The Seleucid Empire's main force is similar to that of Macedon, containing the same powerful hoplites and shock cavalry. However, its armies can also contain Eastern Warriors, war elephants, and cataphracts, giving it the most diverse troop selection in the game. The Seleucid Empire encompasses a strip of territory running from the Aegean coast to India.

The Kingdom of Bactria is a Greco-Persian faction, with both Greek and Persian troops. They begin the game in modern Afghanistan and West China, and usually expand into India. Their units are made up of war elephants, Greek Phalanx, Eastern units and a wide selection of cavalry.

The Ptolemaic Empire has a mixed military; its units consist of Greek-influenced Phalanxes and African infantry. It starts out with control of today's Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, northern Libya, southern Turkey, eastern Crete, and Cyprus, as well as Rhodes.


African armies consist of fairly strong cavalry and, notably, elephants, but usually have weak infantry. This is a major disadvantage when facing the The Republic of Rome, as the Roman legions destroy most forms of infantry. Main elephant and cavalry support is required for Carthaginian success.

The Republic of Carthage has a variety of units which include a good mixture of infantry, high-quality cavalry and powerful elephants, but a poor selection of ranged troops, including a notable lack of archers. It is hurt by the fact that it cannot get infantry that is on par with the Roman legionaries until late in the game. It begins with territory in modern Tunisia and the surrounding area, along with colonies in southern Spain, Sicily, and Sardinia. Carthage is a very rich faction, and can often afford to employ units of mercenaries to bolster its ranks. However, under AI control, Carthage rarely gains much territory and is usually destroyed by the Romans and sometimes the Numidians.

The Kingdom of Numidia has fast mounted and dismounted skirmisher units, as well as some light spear-armed infantry. Many Numidian units receive advantages when fighting in deserts. The faction can train its own version of the Roman legionaries. Numidia begins the game holding the North African land not possessed by Egypt and Carthage.


The Eastern factions represent the major states of the Middle East not ruled by the Diadochi (Alexander the Great's successors). Their armies tend to rely heavily on high-quality cavalry, and evidence of Greek influence is present due to Alexander the Great's recent conquest of the area just 50 years prior to the starting date of the game.

The Kingdom of Parthia's specialty is with mounted units, such as Persian cavalry and the horse archer. While its cavalry is extremely powerful, its infantry is weaker than those of other factions, which can make sieges difficult. The Parthians inhabit the land in central Asia east of the Caspian sea, and also have holdings to the north. In a typical game, their borders rarely expand and they are attacked constantly by Armenia, the Seleucid Empire, Bactria, and Pontus. Unlike the other factions, Parthia only receives access to one type of temple: The Temple of Zoroaster.

The Kingdom of Armenia, like Parthia, has armies which contain strong cavalry. Armenia is the only faction with cataphract archers and Eastern heavy infantry, the latter being comparable to the Macedonian phalanx. They also have their own version of Roman legionaries. The Armenian starting territory is located in the mountainous region of what is today Armenia, Georgia, and eastern Turkey.

The Kingdom of Pontusis a Greco-Eastern faction, with Greek names and Greek gods. Their troops include fast-moving, javelin-armed cavalry, as well as phalanx troops and chariots. In the game, Pontus starts in northeast Asia Minor, in historical Greek colonies.


The Rebels are a unique faction. Rebels can be informally divided into three groups based on how they operate on the campaign map: Brigands and Pirates (who raid trade routes and attack fleets), Deserters and Freed Slaves (who attack armies of their former faction), or Independent Kingdoms and Rebel Cities (who generally isolate themselves unless they are attacked).

Legion System
My intention is using the numbers to represent cohort number. Unlike BI which give numbers to first cohorts only I have enable both first cohorts and legionary cohorts to have numbers.
Only Roman Citizenship building will have the ability to recruit legions and not all regions have the ability.

The Aquila Legionary (first cohort) will be name Legio I (legion name) and follows by recruitment of 9 other legionary cohorts. Make sure to recruit Aquila Legionary first.
Please note that if you recuit more than 10 the numbers will continue so it will be strange to see a unit name Legio XII Augusta somewhere on the map.

- Region: The regions which the legions can be recuited. These regions enabled the building of Roman Citizenship building.
- Legion Name: Name of the legion recruited from this province.
- City: The name of the city. This guide is just for reference which city already have Legions recruited.

Please use the legion Tracker file to keep track of all legions recruited.

Castra Legionaria = City which the Legion is created. You can update the Legion Number and also the date created.

Region: Coele Syria
Legion Name: Felix Valentis Thebaeorum
City: Damascus

Region: Babylonia
Legion Name: Isaura
City: Seleucia

Region: Syria
Legion Name: Minervia
City: Antioch

Region: Tigris
Legion Name: Flavia Salutis
City: Babylon

Region: Khorasan
Legion Name: Maximiana Thaebanorum
City: Hecatompylos

Region: Colchis
Legion Name: Flavia Gallicana Constantia
City: Kotais

Region: Cappadocia
Legion Name: Isaura Sagittaria
City: Mazaka

Region: Propontis
Legion Name: Flavia Theodosiana
City: Byzantium

Region: Bruttium
Legion Name: Flavia Firma
City: Rhegium

Region: Transalpine Gaul
Legion Name: Valeria Victrix
City: Massilia

Region: Epirus
Legion Name: Apollinaris
City: Apollonia

Region: Apulia
Legion Name: Ulpia Victrix
City: Tarentum

Region: Aetolia
Legion Name: Macriana
City: Thermon

Region: Attica
Legion Name: Claudia Pia Fidelis
City: Athens

Region: Calabria
Legion Name: Claudia
City: Croton

Region: Peloponnesus
Legion Name: Victrix
City: Corinth

Region: Sicilia Romanus
Legion Name: Fretensis
City: Messana

Region: Sicilia Graecus
Legion Name: Cyrenaica
City: Syracuse

Region: Laconia
Legion Name: Parthica
City: Sparta

Region: Cameratum
Legion Name: Deiotariana
City: Agrigentum

Region: Pisatis
Legion Name: Scythica
City: Elis

Region: Nile Delta
Legion Name: Flavia Felix
City: Alexandria

Region: Bithynia
Legion Name: Flavia Martis
City: Nicomedia

Region: Pannonia
Legion Name: Fulminata
City: Aquincum

Region: Thessalia
Legion Name: Pontica
City: Larissa

Region: Macedonia
Legion Name: Macedonica
City: Pela

Region: Chalcidice
Legion Name: Iovia
City: Thessalonica

Region: Illyria
Legion Name: Brittanica
City: Segestica

Region: Picenum
Legion Name: Nova Invicta
City: Ancona

Region: Samnium
Legion Name: Equestris
City: Corfinium

Region: Lucania
Legion Name: Italica
City: Paestum

Region: Campania
Legion Name: Augusta
City: Capua

Region: Etruria
Legion Name: Illyricorum
City: Arretium

Region: Umbria
Legion Name: Veneria
City: Ariminum

Region: Latium
Legion Name: Roma Victrix
City: Rome

Region: Liguria
Legion Name: Gallica
City: Genua

Region: Aemilia
Legion Name: Alaudae
City: Bononia

Region: Noricum
Legion Name: Gemina
City: Iuvavum

Region: Histria
Legion Name: Germanica
City: Aquileia

Region: Novem_Populi
Legion Name: Sabina
City: Burdigala

Region: Cisalpine_Gaul
Legion Name: Ferrata
City: Mediolanium

Region: Noricum Superior
Legion Name: Rapax
City: Viberi

Region: Venetia
Legion Name: Adiutrix
City: Patavium

Region: Thrace
Legion Name: Noricorum
City: Tylis

Region: Lugdinensis
Legion Name: Martia
City: Lugdunum

Region: Central Gaul
Legion Name: Primigenia
City: Alesia

Region: Arverni
Legion Name: Iulia Alpina
City: Gergovia

Region: Narbonensis
Legion Name: Hispania
City: Narbo Martius

Region: Celtiberia
Legion Name: Gallicana
City: Numantia

Region: Utica
Legion Name: Flavia Constantia
City: Utica

Region: Sicilia Poeni
Legion Name: Antiqua
City: Lilybaeum

Region: Africa
Legion Name: Herculia
City: Carthage

Region: Byzacium
Legion Name: Flavia Pacis
City: Thapsus

Region: Britannia Superior
Legion Name: Classica
City: Londinium

Region: Gallaecia
Legion Name: Hispana Triumphalis
City: Asturica

Region: Hispania
Legion Name: Traiana
City: Carthago Nova

Region: Baetica
Legion Name: Libyca
City: Corduba

4 Turns Per Year
Marcus Camillus' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod for RTR Platinum v2.0
by LestaT

Marcus Camillus' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod for RTR Platinum
by Marcus Camillus

v1.9.6 - 14 June 2007

Installation Instructions:
Prior to installing Marcus Camillus' 4 Turns-per-Year Mod for RTR Platinum v2.0, you will need a fresh install of RTR Platinum v2.0 release.

1. Run the install program "Marcus Camillus RTR Platinum v2.0 4tpy Mod.exe". Select the install directory to be the directory of your "Rome - Total War" where your RTR Platinum Edition v2.0 is installed. (Example: c:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War). The install program will then install this mod.

2. Run campaign_map_reset.bat or manually delete map.rwn inside your rtrpe/data/world folder (wherever you find them).

3. Start up RTR Platinum like normal. Start a new campaign. After the campaign finishes loading, the Victoria campaign advisor pop-up window will appear. The advisor pop-up window will be blinking. Click on the blinking Victoria portrait. This will open the advisor text window, letting you know that the 4 turns-per-year script is waiting for you to start it. Click on the "Show Me How" button. This will start the 4 turns-per-year script and close the Victoria campaign advisor pop-up window. The 4 turns-per-year mod has been started and you can start enjoying your campaign.

4. To reactivate the 4 turns-per-year script when you load a saved campaign, load the saved campaign like normal. Once your saved campaign has finished loading, either click on the faction button or select any of your cities, this will cause the Victoria advisor pop-up window to appear. The advisor pop-up window will be blinking. Click on the blinking Victoria portrait. This will open the advisor text window, letting you know that the 4 turns-per-year script is waiting for you to start it. Click on the "Show Me How" button. This will start the 4 turns-per-year script. If this is the first time you have loaded a saved campaign since starting this session of Rome Total Realism, the advisor pop-up window will automatically close. However, upon the second or more times of loading a saved campaign during this session of Rome Total Realism, you will have to close the advisor pop-up window yourself. This is normal behavior for this mod. I have not yet figured out why this occurs, but it will not affect your gameplay. If you forget to click on the faction button, or select any of your cities, and end your turn, you will have to reload your saved campaign again to insure proper start-up of the 4 turns-per-year script.

5. Enjoy your campaigns in RTR Platinum with 4 turns-per-year! Every time you start a new campaign, you will follow the procedure in step 4 above. Remember, you must complete step 5 above every time you load a saved campaign. At the beginning of each turn, as of v1.6 of this mod, you will now get a Victoria advisor pop-up window informing you of the current turn's season and year. This new feature will also take place during reloaded saved campaigns. Enjoy!

From Marcus Camillus original note:-
Known limitations:
I have come up with a system of automated messages at the start of each turn that notify the player of the current turn's season and year. The Season Icon on the Campaign UI will still indicate it is Summer during the Spring and Autumn turns of each year. RTW is hard-coded so that the Season Icon will display only Summer or Winter for the seasons. By "mousing over" the Season Icon, you will notice you get 3 Summer turns followed by 1 Winter turn. After the winter turn, the year will end and advance to the next year, starting with the year's first Summer turn (Spring). The next turn will be the second Summer turn (Summer), followed by the third Summer turn (Autumn), followed by the Winter turn. After the Winter turn is complete, the year will advance to the next year and the sequence of 3 Summer turns (Spring, Summer, and Autumn) and 1 Winter will repeat.

As a suggestion to help you remember which season a saved campaign was in, I would recommend the following format for the naming of saved campaigns...

"Season_Year" (Don't use the quotes in the saved campaign name. What you need to type is inside the quotes.)

Example 1: Saved campaign was during the Spring of 255BC.
Name the saved campaign "Spring_255BC".

Example 2: Saved Campaign was during the Autumn of 1AD.
Name the saved campaign "Autumn_1AD".

Your campaign will start in the Spring (first Summer turn) of 280BC. The campaign will end after the completion of the Winter of 1AD.

You will notice that there is no "year 0" (zero). The Gregorian calendar, in use today and what I use in the mod, has no "year 0". It advances from the Winter of 1BC straight to the Spring (first Summer turn) of 1AD. This is the way the Gregorian calendar system works. I know there are a few other calendar systems in use in today's world, but I used the Gregorian calendar system for my mod. The Gregorian calendar is just an "improved" version of the Julian calendar, so I thought it would be appropriate for RTW's period.


Installation Instructions

RTRPE v1.9

Install Rome Total War.
Install the RTW v1.3 Patch.
Install the RTW v1.5 Patch.
Download and install the RTR Platinum Full Install. The "RTR Platinum Edition 1.9.exe" file is approximately 122MB in size.

User friendly installer available in many languages.

-This version use the -mod command line switch, so it does not change any of the original game files, but you must use the RTRPE shortcut installed on your desktop, or add -mod:RTRPE to the target line of the shortcut you usually use.
-New background image
-New banner and icons for second roman faction in custom battles
-If u have BI it will copy all glow files from BI folder to RTRPE folder.

All optional addons are included in main installer.

.Alternative DMD for using RTW-BI Unified Skeletons & Animations Pack
.No Land-blocks
.No Torches for Night Battles
.Cognomen mod
.Sinuhet's AI Battle Formations Mod
.Preferences tweaks
.Becksim's Gladius Loading Bar
.RTW Vanila ground types
.No landbriges

If you have the Barbarian Invasion expansion pack installed, a shortcut called BI-RTRPE will be created on your desktop when you run the RTRPE installer. You can use this shortcut to play BI-RTRPE with the BI executable. This enables some BI-RTRPE features that are not available with the RTW executable, including swimming units, and some special formations like shield wall.

RTRPE v2.0

1. Retail Version without Barbarian Invasion
a. Install Rome - Total War
b. Install RTW v1.3 patch
c. Install RTW v1.5 patch
d. Install Alexander
e. Install RTRPE to default Rome - Total War installation
f. Create new shortcut of RomeTW-ALX to desktop
g. Right-click shortcut and on target line enter -mod:rtrpe -show_err -noalexander
example : "D:\Game Files (x86)\Activision\Rome Total War\RomeTW-ALX.exe" -mod:rtrpe -show_err -noalexander

2. Retail Version with Barbarian Invasion
a. Install Rome - Total War
b. Install Barbarian Invasion
c. Install RTW-BI Patch v1.6
d. Install Alexander
e. Install RTRPE to default Rome - Total War installation
f. Create new shortcut of RomeTW-ALX to desktop
g. Right-click shortcut and on target line enter -mod:rtrpe -show_err -noalexander
example : "D:\Game Files (x86)\Activision\Rome Total War\RomeTW-ALX.exe" -mod:rtrpe -show_err -noalexander

3. Steam Version, install RTRPE v2.0 to
a. 64bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Alexander
b. 32bit: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Alexander
To run with Steam right-click on Rome: Total War-Alexander in Steam Library
- select Properties
- enter -mod:rtrpe -show_err -noalexander
** Note - You can also create shortcut by clicking CREATE DESKTOP SHORTCUT

God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Woop! Who else is working on RTR at the moment, out of interest?  :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?