Author Topic: My test Campaign as Carthage  (Read 2476 times)


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My test Campaign as Carthage
« on: July 05, 2016, 07:16:13 AM »
Alrighty, I have done enough of a campaign (15 turns) where I can get a small sample size of how it plays.

So decided to play as Carthage on H/H difficulty and these are my notes.

-Economy is great gameplay wise. I actually went negative and I have had a few turns where I couldn't do much. Raking in the money does not happen anymore and it makes me glad because it makes the game more challenging, and I enjoy trying to decide what I want to do with the money I have. Also it really slows the game down.

-Population Growth and Man Power are also challenges. It's unwise to recruit a whole row of units in a settlement because it will take awhile to replenish.

-Battles have been tougher, but I still have won all but one of them (2 Lib Spears vs 3 Num Cav) actually, Numidia kicked the crap out of one of my armies when I was attacking them. I lost two out of the three generals I had in my army, and I had to retrain the army before I could push onwards.

-Numidia, for only having 5 units to recruit, are admirable opponents. I took Zama, but they took Iol. Iberia is tough as well. I captured Cordoba almost immediately, but had to keep a large garrison to keep it happy. Later, I moved the army out to take Mastia, and in two turns it revolted. So I have not made any significant gains province wise.

-Battles are balanced except archers and slingers are terribly weak, a good player would not recruit them. Needs changing.

-A look around the world: Hellenic Kingdoms were successful in revolting in Bactria (Nice accuracy moment) and Merv. The Sarmatians took Tanais, only to have it revolt to the Greek Cities which is cool. Nabataea is expanding into Palmyra and Iathrippa, as Egypt and the Seleucids wage a war (good). Pontus has taken Sinope, Trapezus and Mazaka. Armenia, Parthia, Illyria, and Dacia have all conquered a settlement. Celts, Gauls, and Germans havent done a whole lot. Macedon has made some ground in Thrace. Finally, Rome has conquered Messana and besieged Agrigentum but were beat by the Rebels. I am fighting a naval war with them at the moment. Along with Rome, I am also at war with Iberia and Numidia.

I'd like relations with Numidia and Carthage to be better at the beginning. They shouldn't be waging war a lot. Carthage and Iberia should have worse relations.
Libyan Spearmen and Poeni Infantry look exactly the same. It's just weird with vanilla units, I can't wait until we make them realistic, but I must be patient.
The Environments on the campaign and battlemap look absolutely amazing. Emodude did a wonderful job.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


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Re: My test Campaign as Carthage
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2016, 04:55:15 PM »
The economy is so hard to maintain, I love it. I really have to be strategic with what I spend my money on. Numidia has fought me bitterly but I just won a huge battle, and before that I lost a good number of troops in an ambush. At the moment I'm laying siege to their Capital. They've trained Imitation Legionaries already, I think we must have not put the Marian pre-requisite for them.
I'm also enjoying the navy aspect. If you lose your ships sink. No more chasing around ships. And pirates are way less annoying.
Rome has laid siege to Lilybaeum. A third war, I hope it doesn't break me.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?