Eragon/ Eldest Encyclopedia

Started by Evil2828, September 30, 2009, 06:37:36 AM

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Because im gonna add more discriptions for tree houses i made this  topic  and decided i was going to write descriptions of more things by editing this post i hope it helps
                                    Enjoy :D

Tree Houses Eldest page 222 (sorry i got it wrong before)
But what he had taken be clusters of lumpy, twisted trees were in fact graceful buildings that grew directly out of the pines.
One tree bulged at the base to form a two-story house before sinking its roots int the loam. Both stories were hexagonal, although the upper level was half as a small as the first, which gave the house a tiered appearance. The roofs and walls were made of webbed sheets of wood draped over six thick ridges. Moss a yellow lichen bearded the eaves and hung over jeweled windows set into each side. The front door was a mysterious black silhouette recessed under an archway wrought with symbols.
Another house was nestled between three pines, which we joined to it through a series of curved branches, reinforced by those flying buttresses, the house rose five levels, light and airy. Beside it sat a bower woven out of dogwood ad hung with flameless lanterns disguised as galls.
Each unique building enhanced the complemented its surroundings, blending seamlessly with the rest of the forest until it was impossible to tell where artifice ended and nature resumed. The to were in perfect balance. Instead of mastering their environment the elves had chosen to accept
the world as it was and adapt themselves to it.

The Queen Islanzadis palace/treehouse/...... well :ermm: something. will help sceners (like me)
Eldest page 223
part 1 (yes there will be others like arya's room and more... if i have time/hopefully)
The path ended at a net of roots that formed steps, like bare pools of earth. They climbed to a door embedded within a wall of saplings. Eragon's heart quickened as the door swung open, seemingly of its own accord, and revealed a hall of trees hundreds of branches melded together to form the honeycombed ceiling. Below twelve chairs were arrayed along each wall.
In them reposed four-and-twenty elf lords and ladies.
Wise and handsome were, smooth faces unmarked by age and ken eyes that gleamed with excitement. They leaned forward, gripping the arms of their chairs, and stared at Eragon's group with open wonder and hope. Unlike any other elves, they had swords belted at their waists-hilts studded with beryls and garnets-and circlets hat adorned their brows.
And at the head of the assembly stood a white pavilion that sheltered a throne of knotted roots.
Queen Islanzadi sat upon it. She was as beautiful as an autumn sunset, proud and imperious, with two dark eyebrows slanted like upraised wings, lips as bright and red as holly berries, and midnight hair bound under a diamond diadem. Her tunic has crimson. Round her hips hung a girdle of braided gold. And clasped at the hollow of her neck was a velvet cloak that fell to the ground in languid folds. Despite her imposing countenance, the queen seemed fragile, as if she concealed a great pain. By her left was a curved rod with a chased crosspiece. A brilliant white raven perched on it, shuffling impatiently fro foot to foot. He surveyed Eragon with uncanny intelligence, then gave a long, low croak and shrieked "Wyrda!" Eragon shivered from the force of that single cracked word. ....this part to be continued......... later.... ;)      



good luck with typing all that :P

but good idea


You're brave to attempt writing all of that.


theres more to come, not just tree houses
just ask me to type something, only 1 per day though


Ok ive got a new book    :)

Eragon’s Guide to Alaga
