Faction: Adventurers

Started by Jubal, January 07, 2013, 01:15:14 AM

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"The heavens lie before us, little friend. And you see all the stars, and you see the far off lights of supernovae and all the flaming suns in the sky? They all spell out a word to us. And you know what that word is? It's adventure."

This is the questions & info thread for adventurers - all the ships not aligned to one of the major factions. Please ask any & all questions here!

Faction details & background:
Adventurers in space have always been a fact of life since the space age began in the star cluster. Most will have no real ideological commitment, but there are many other possible goals; gaining money, scientific curiosity, a life of crime, being a fugitive, acting as guns for hire, founding new independent colonies, or simply the thrill of adventure.

~To be announced~

Faction FAQs:
~None Yet~
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...