Activity-Starter: Help us out and win rewards!

Started by Jubal, March 02, 2013, 10:55:39 AM

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Got referred by Goldfang, I cant wait for the mod to come out  ;D


i referred myself, please add "Great Cornholio" to the dark elves  ;D


oh right

i refer myself.

goldfang, for eitehr the orks or the skaven


I got referred by goldfang too, the mod looks awesome!


I was also referred by goldfang. :P

Welcome friends!

Son of the King

Welcome all the people! Do take a look around :) .


Hello there :) I second what was said above, do come in and take a look around the site. There are all of the awesome things.
like a bruise that would never go away, but she would cherish it for ever.

gellthîr i melethron nîn

nínim in menil



Hi,I signed up recently too

Could you maybe add the name 'Luca von Henkershafen' to the Altdorf faction?
Also Im German so if you need some Empire names,
Im at your service :)
Adeo mori servus imperator fictus
Ave Dominus Nox


Welcome all, hope you enjoy all Exilian has to offer. :)
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Updated; welcome to all the new folk, do post around the rest of the forum and show your support.  :)

Goldfang, Talonmaster, and Cornholio, I'll try and get your starter rewards done later. Goldfang, if you want the preview release as your 5 person reward then PM me and I'll try and sort it out.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


nah mate

10 is my goal

give the preview to the guy taht can get 4 people to say i reffered them here :D


The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...