Warhammer: Total War - A Call To Arms Release!

Started by Jubal, September 28, 2013, 03:48:33 PM

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That looks fine. What does the inside of that WHTW folder look like?
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


jst wanted to say that your mod will be better than the one CA are releasing soon.


The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Dear modder, i have tried to install the mod all evening, but i think i have come to a dead end. I can get into the menus, and simply see the menus and fiddle around with everything, but when i try to actually get in game via custom battle or campaign, i crash. Since i have the mod installed i have the same problem with the base game, but the base game just crashes when i start. I get different error messages, the mod simply crashes, and the main game freezes at the red loading screen and then gives an error message that it misses files, and then a load of glibberish. What do i do?


And then i did like the 5th reinstall of everything, and it WORKED! :D It needs no further explaining how excited i am to play this mod seeing the effort i put, thanks a lot!


Really glad you got it working - hope you enjoy it! :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Played for 4 hours only to find out that the save button is greyed out? Guess my Bretonnians will not go to war against the Empire after killing the Dwarves and the Wood Elves. Not a huge problem, i really wanted to try out the other races anyway, i didn't even touch on the army i collect, the Lizardmen. Is it impossible to save in this game or is it a bug? Game ran perfectly for the rest, great job!


That particular bug... seems to be a bit random, honestly. I usually find it saves fine, but sometimes campaigns will end up in states where they'll refuse to save.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Well ok, i guess ill try to take note of it then and save often whenever i can.


about the save game issue, it appears to a RTW problem! i had to deactivate the autosave feature to be able to manually save but now it works fine! just google rtw autosave problems and see whether it is applicable or not!


EDIT: I am a stupid idiot who misread the Readme, the mod is working fine now. ;D


hi, Ive tried to link the traits and ancilliaries to the each races corresponding buildings without success. So ive sttled for an alternative, i try to prevent my generals obtaining certain traits. however I ran into a block as when i type in: give_trait <name> anger 0 it says that it cannot find the character. Ive tried it with a few others to no avail.
Any ideas how to change this? Ive been thinking that maybe the characters have different names in the files than the ones shown, could that be the case?
many thanks!


The game will internally use the names as given in the data/descr_names.txt file, some of which are a bit contracted from the display version linked up in data/text/names.txt, if that helps?
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...



Just a quick word...

If you play it in Rome, it is a totally dead campaign map with even the colors dead.

If you want it to both run better and look better, drop the mod into Alexander and use the

-mod:WHTW -ne -nm -show_err -movie_cam -enable_editor -noalexander launch options after first manually setting your preferences in the mods preferences folder and copying the chat_filter.san from Rome/data to WHTW/data folder

Running in Alexander drops all of the staggering and stuttering frames and gives the campaign some life.