Your Factions own perfect "Military"

Started by Skull, October 26, 2013, 11:38:01 PM

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If you could have your own faction in a M&B mod,how would the troop tree look? What would be it's focus? What sort of equipment would you choose? What would be the factions weaknesses (no cavalry,no heavy infantry,infantry has bad armour...)? What sort of terrain would the troops be able to use to their advantage? What sort of "style" would your units have (medieval,early medieval,archaic,roman,greek,pike and shot troops,viking,Meso-American,"barbarian",arabic...)? What sort of tactics would the troops be most well suited?
Quote from: The Khan on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 AM
Skull, the one of poor grammar, the enemy of all Grammar Nazi and destroyer of all linguistic reasoning!

Cuddly Khan

My troops would be very fast on foot, focusing more and speed and health than attack, the weapons wouldn't be as strong but to make up for it their armour would be almost top grade. The weapon of choice though is very long pikes and spears They more rely on strength in numbers. They wouldn't have and Heavy infantry. These guys would have the advantage on terrain with many hills, with that they could swarm horse armies easily, as well as any other army. I think they'd be an early Medieval Barbarian. They would be best used in tight clusters and groups on open terrain.
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.


As per my usual I'd go with a small army of highly trained medium-heavy infantry. Spears and round shields for easy movement with a sword for backup, med/heavy cuirass with medium greaves, gloves and helmet. Freedom of movement with some punch as well. Supported by quick, light subtree with javelins and swords and light-med armour (light/med cuirass, light boots, light hands, no helmet). This is an army with great defensive power against tough melee focused army thanks to the spears and great agressive power against light armies and bows...So long as the skirmishers (read: cannon fodder) do their part. If there was any room left I'd have a heavy horse capable of sustained melee over pure lance power too for classic hammer/anvil tactics. Simple but effective.

Obviously Hellenic in style but with more freedom and requirement on individual skill and flanking from light inf/ heavy horse than hoplite tactics.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Quote from: The Khan on October 27, 2013, 12:38:06 AM
They wouldn't have and Heavy infantry.
Wouldn't have what?  :P

Edit: I am a moron. D:
Quote from: The Khan on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 AM
Skull, the one of poor grammar, the enemy of all Grammar Nazi and destroyer of all linguistic reasoning!

Silver Wolf

I've never played native much.
TEATRC was always my definition of M&B.
So I'll go for pike and shot troops.
And the tactics are pretty much self-explanatory in this one.

Hill deployment, preferably.
Pikemen in the front, mixed with some units who wear shields for protection.
Ranged units placed higher on the hill.
Cavalry (if any) for flanking or ambushing enemy ranged units.

Meso-American or barbarian factions for the sake of fun.
With obligatory mindless charges and bashing in some heads tactics.
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


The Byzantine army. The glorious Kataphractoi have always been semi-legendary to me, from a childhood full of Age of Empires 2 and Medieval Total War, and to be able to ride around with a few dozen of them at my back would be the height of happiness. Definitely would love some Arabic mercenaries in there too, obviously a few turcopoles..

And I could have it too, if a certain phoenixguard came back to work on his mod..

Although, as the poster above me says, some nicely implemented Meso-American troops could be incredibly fun. Smacking someone in the head with a macauhuitl would be simply awesome.


Diversity is key for me, I think.

I never liked heavy infantry a great deal, or heavy cavalry. So medium inf, pikes, crossbow or chu ko nu for ranged, medium lance-armed cavalry probably. And some light infantry on the wings. Sort of like a higher tech version of Hannibal's forces.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Quote from: Silver Wolf on October 27, 2013, 04:38:00 PM
I've never played native much.
TEATRC was always my definition of M&B.
So I'll go for pike and shot troops.
And the tactics are pretty much self-explanatory in this one.

Hill deployment, preferably.
Pikemen in the front, mixed with some units who wear shields for protection.
Ranged units placed higher on the hill.
Cavalry (if any) for flanking or ambushing enemy ranged units.

Meso-American or barbarian factions for the sake of fun.
With obligatory mindless charges and bashing in some heads tactics.
Very interesting mix. Even more so since there are very few mods with Meso-American factions.  :)
Quote from: Paramythion on October 29, 2013, 05:42:10 AM
The Byzantine army. The glorious Kataphractoi have always been semi-legendary to me, from a childhood full of Age of Empires 2 and Medieval Total War, and to be able to ride around with a few dozen of them at my back would be the height of happiness. Definitely would love some Arabic mercenaries in there too, obviously a few turcopoles..

And I could have it too, if a certain phoenixguard came back to work on his mod..

Although, as the poster above me says, some nicely implemented Meso-American troops could be incredibly fun. Smacking someone in the head with a macauhuitl would be simply awesome.
Could you be more precise? Would you perfer the historical ones or the AOE II ones?

Quote from: Jubal on November 08, 2013, 05:19:50 PM
Diversity is key for me, I think.

I never liked heavy infantry a great deal, or heavy cavalry. So medium inf, pikes, crossbow or chu ko nu for ranged, medium lance-armed cavalry probably. And some light infantry on the wings. Sort of like a higher tech version of Hannibal's forces.
What about War Elephants? Also,what about mercenaries?
Quote from: The Khan on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 AM
Skull, the one of poor grammar, the enemy of all Grammar Nazi and destroyer of all linguistic reasoning!


I love elephants to bits - possibly almost too much to use them in war. None of Hannibal's big victories relied on elephants (most of them died in the Alps anyway) and at Zama they were actively a liability.  I can see the use of having a few, but they're not must-haves for me because they're so liable to panic at fire or big pointy sticks.

I'd rather use my own forces than mercenaries - Machiavelli I think has this one correct, there are significant advantages to having people fighting for their homes, family, country and way of life that you can't get with people fighting for pay.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Quote from: The Khan on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 AM
Skull, the one of poor grammar, the enemy of all Grammar Nazi and destroyer of all linguistic reasoning!


I would choose the roster of Atlanteans from RTW: Rise of Atlantis. All troop types, no weakness. :P


Hmm, what would I do...

I seem to have a lot of success with the Halronds in Extended Factions.

So tough, skilled light cavalry on fast, hardy hobin horses who would make up the flanks and the scouts. The centre would be screened by a skirmishing line of kerns, tough and fast infantry with javelins who would advance and pelt the enemy with sharp sticks. Short spears and shields give them a bit survivability if surprised by enemy cavalry, but they are still lightly armoured, so after providing that skirmish support they will melt back to the mainline infantry, dominated by muires and galloglasses, providing a backup flanking force if pressed.

Providing overwatch here, the famous Halrond helwyr, raining steel death down from afar with their longbows.

As to terrain, hills, plains, forests, mountains, they can do it all. High ground for the helwyr is preferable, but not necessary as at close range, those bows have enough power to kill a horse and pin the rider to it. An ambush on a forest road with light infantry and the helwyr staying back behind the treeline would be deadly.

Their weaknesses? No real heavy troops, and especially not cavalry-wise. On the other hand, kerns and especially ridires are quite adept at taking out heavy cavalry, so this isn't a big problem. Gallowglasses and muires are as close as they get to heavy infantry too, with brigandine and chain armour. Still, tactics, speed, skill and sheer toughness go a long way. ;)

To Paramythion, I must finish Extended Factions at some stage, and I probably will. And when I do, you shall be the first to know. ;)
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By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


My personal pick would definitely have to be a set of Roman troops,supported by ranged units armed with longbows or gastraphetes,and some legionary gunners who would also be skilled just like a standard legionary in hand to hand combat (those that played THERA know what I am talking about).
All of the legionaries would be armed with Pilum,and the elite ones would be armed with ones that could get past shield blocks (that isn't really historically accurate,since all pilum could sometimes get past shields,but having all of my forces equipped with shield crushing pilum would be really OP).

The auxilia would have great emphasis on throwing weapons.They would be armed with javelins and throwing axes to further damage and destroy some of the enemies shields,so my legionaries and archers could make short work of the foe.They would be armed with fighting axes and bardiches should the enemy get too close.
For the cavalry,I would certainly use some horse archers and equites cataphractarii.

The main weaknesses of my forces would be the fact that they really don't have any sort of pikemen or spearmen to deal with heavy cavalry,and most of the troops are quite expensive to maintain.
Quote from: The Khan on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 AM
Skull, the one of poor grammar, the enemy of all Grammar Nazi and destroyer of all linguistic reasoning!


Looking for a mod for M&B Warband which lets me choose equipment for troop tiers for the player faction anyone know if this exists?
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


I'm pretty sure I've seen that done for native, so I'd be shocked if it didn't exist for WB too - but I'm not honestly sure what mod it would be.

Certainly in the ASoIaF mod, the Unsullied have very customisable equipment choices.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...