Introduce Yourself!

Started by ahowl11, January 15, 2014, 11:50:32 PM

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I'll give it some time but it has crossed my mind a few times
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Hey, patronized guy Nº7891249832 here. Regrettably, I'm one of those that comes and goes, but as long as you give personal requests for specific help, you'll eventually have someone willing to do it. You probably know that already, but, you know, just my two staters.


Well, the UI's for the current units, vanilla reskinned, are all done. We will be adapting new units, and creating a fair bit of others, so they'll need UI's. Right now, the shorth term plans are exposed in the 0.6-1.0 thread. Feel free to help out in anything you feel like.


Hi All, i am an old RTR player :-)  , it's one of my all time favourite mods ever!


God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Hello there! I'm Jack of "Jackasaurus" to my friends and the "video guy" to Ahowl11. I dont mod Rtw, I dont mod Med 2 total war. In fact I dont mod at all. Instead I take what already has been modded and I immortalise it through video. Quite the hobby. Expensive too. Now with all that egotistical stuff said I am looking forward to becoming a good member of this forum. I will be on as often as I can. I'm sure that many friends will be made. 


Hi Jack, good to have you aboard. I "tink" the same :P.


good to have you aboard! I've always wanted a video guy :)
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Im back guys i didnt abandon you i swear! my internet company took me down for "piracy and neglect for terms and agreements" and had a court battle, stated by law in my country using a torrenting system is not illegal and how mass downloading and sharing via that way isnt either blah blah eventually breaking through with only a restriction on bandwidth for the rest of my contract with them yay so much fun. Im sorry i disappeared really did expect it to be for 1/2 weeks but it seems they were eager to really drop me to the ground and beg for mercy this time. I hope all has been going well here and lemme know if there's something i can do. and thanks to the people of the torrents it stayed alive even when i was gone how nice of them! lol as of today 28 people were keeping it alive before i came back. makes me so happy when people work together =)


Wow that is crazy, but it's good to see you back! How many downloads do we have from the torrent?
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


You cant track the amount of downloaders in total however you can look at the IP's and see how is downloading data from you, maximum at once was 7 but as you can guess there is at least 3x that amount as we have that many people helping me with the torrent but in terms of accurate numbers i cant give you one without invading peoples privacy and forcing the total amount by tracing all previous connections, easily do-able but i dont fancy hacking the torrent users to be frank, but lets put it this way there must of been at least 30/40 now :)

Mausolos of Caria

Wow that's really bad. But over here in Germany they take all sorts of half- legal activity on the internet very serious as well, someone was fined 2000 € for downloading just one or two songs illegaly. Not saying you are criminal, though! ;) Good to have you back anyway.
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



Hi, all. I'm back from the proverbial dead (cyberly speaking), and ready to jump in with the next phase of testing. Ahowl, I sent you my email over on TWC so I can get the latest files from dropbox. Not sure whether that Pidgin program will work for me, but I'll let you know.


Well, I suppose I had better say 'Hi'

I'm a greybeard grognard and haunter of various TW mods from time to time.

A great fan of the first RTW, especially the Alex expansion, although Med 2 runs it a very close second.

Still love to play them all with various mods.

Beta tested for quite a few of them, including the earlier iterations of RS2

Gotta say I am very disappointed with Rome 2.....What a great shame they couldn't have got a cleaner launch.  :-\

Balla.  ::)  8)


hi i'm formerly quetz some of you may remember, anyhow, I have just started playing r2 and am modding again. have made 3 skyrim mods [user amorphos098] and will now start r2 modding.

firstly I don't know zip about modding this game, but mainly I will just need to get at the skins, ...?

my first priority is changing the Britons, I hate the look they got now. after that I am at your disposal. pm me here or over at twc.
