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Started by ahowl11, January 18, 2014, 06:27:29 AM

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Mausolos of Caria

Puhh 13 hours? How's that even legal?  ???
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Also lack of European-standard working regulations.  :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


A 13 hour shift doesn't contradict EU working time directive as far as I know.


Hm, yes, turns out you're right, though 13 is the absolute maximum length of work in a day (the WTD requires that 11 of every 24 hours are rest, and that there's some sort of break every 6 hours, so you could have a 13hr shift as long as it included breaks).
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...



Tharacian campaign report:

*Very nice to have the tharcians in this game !! DO NOT GET RID OF THEM please...
* They look ok, a bit hard to play, being caught between  Macedons and Greeks but that is ok. It should not be easy.. They can hower own the east -part of balcan for themselves and that can be nice. A treatment with the dacians will make the Macedons crumble and you'll have a fair chance to  build a campain. Other way the Macedons and greeks will hunt you down..
* Geography and city names are a disaster. That can be improved.
* Not knowing more what to say, the Thracians should not have hoplity or falxmen, although their own made infantry. I can keep an eye on them and the dacians as you progress your development of the game..   

Ah one more thing.. The fish symbol should despiser from the map. Or you have to make it smaller a lot smaller cos it's annoying..


I'm afraid Thrace will end up being replaced by Illyria my friend. However, they will get their own modfoldered campaign later :)
Yeah, there is a lot of fish on the map...
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Barbarian UI implemented, Olbia given to Scythia. There are only two things left to do before a release can be made:
1. UI's (probably will be a few weeks before they are all complete)
2. Siege Tower Bug Fix (Will post on TWC workshop to see if anyone can help me)

Since it will be a few more weeks until the UI's are ready, should I go ahead and edit the descr_strat a bit? I was thinking of balancing out a few starting positions, and giving each faction a professional army to start with as a core army.

Also, while we wait for the UI's, I can upload the current version after I edit the descr_strat, so you all can test. I know things have been quiet lately because nothing new has been available to test, but I'll have something here for you guys by the end of the day.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


It looks like I have been able to fix the Tower Bug, but at the expense of Epic Stone Walls. I will have to look into ladders to see if I can fix those as well.

Getting rid of Epic Stone walls was needed anyway. They were pretty ahistorical. Large Stone Walls might need to go as well, they are massive and I'm not sure those kind of walls were around at this time.

Really, all I need to do now is edit the descr_strat. However since it will be awhile before UI's are all complete, I am thinking about adding even more to the initial release.

-Ship stats adjustment in EDU (from ExRM, they were able to nerf the annoying ship attacks that will happen with factions such as Carthage and they also nerfed the pirates)
-Marcus Camillus 4 turns per year mod (I don't know about adding this just yet since it will require an adjustment to all units and buildings.)

I'll look around for other things as well.

God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on January 28, 2014, 12:07:20 AM
Large Stone Walls might need to go as well, they are massive and I'm not sure those kind of walls were around at this time.

Most mods I've seen use large stone walls for special or historically large cities. But I agree on the epic stone walls are horrible and weird.


I will probably include sleepysmoo's Wall Mod as featured here post #2

Battle AI does not handle the vanilla Large stone walls very well.

Tonight I started editing the descr_strat. Each Roman family will now have a 'legion' at it's disposal and I put it in a position where it can expand easily. I've noticed that the Brutii and Scipii take awhile before they start expanding.. The Senate stays pat.

The Greeks got each of their starting armies upgraded. You'll find a Heavy Peltast in Athens, Armoured Hoplites in Pergamum and Syracuse, and some Cavalry in Ambracia.

Carthage is revamped as well. The city itself has a force inside that includes Poeni Infantry, Long Shield Cavalry and a Sacred Band. Lilybaeum has a better army, and the garrisons of Gades and Tingis have been swapped to encourage expansion into Iberia. I think Carthage will be pretty strong now.

I'll continue tomorrow after work. First faction? Egypt.. :)
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I redid the Egyptian, Seleucid and Macedonian starting armies yesterday.

All peasant units were removed or replaced with other units.

Egypt will have a smaller experienced army in Alexandria with small, weak garrisons in the other towns. Hopefully this will slow down any blitzing that they try to do.

The Seleucids now control Pessinus, as I believe they held it historically. Gives them a better chance of survival in Asia Minor. They also have a pretty good army in Antioch, and their garrisons are a mix of levy troops.

Macedon has a good army in Pella. The garrisons are not too weak either.

Today I will try to finish everyone else.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Okay it took longer than I wanted to but the descr_strat has been revised so that every faction begins with an experienced and balanced army, I also took a few provinces away from the Germans, took one away from the Britons and gave one to Numidia. This will be the version that will be in 0.5.

What's left:
- Custom Battle Locations, right now most battle locations are in the ocean
- Implement sleepysmoos Wall mod that will make Large Stone Walls look like regular stone walls, but they have the same stats as Large Stone Walls. It helps with the AI as they have trouble with the size of large stone walls. This should solve the Siege Tower/Wall Bug for good!
- Implement Bercors UI's. I'm guessing he will be completely finished by Wednesday, so 0.5 should be out and ready to be tested by the weekend.

This means that I need ALL BETA TESTERS ready to report!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


So begins the long and boring process of naming the UI cards. Hopefully it doesn't take forever.
After those are completed and put into the game there are a few more things to add before we can test:
1. A few EDU tweaks
2. Fixing the ladders
3. Adding the Naval fixes from ExRM
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?