History/Research: The Peoples of the Steppe

Started by ahowl11, February 23, 2014, 09:40:35 PM

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the optimal design of the city! well made!  :o
In the next level of town a yurts will disappear! :-\


I was thinking of keeping them, but outside the city walls, similar to what Europa Barbarorum's team is going to do:

What do you think?


Nice!  :)  but the yurts as modern (or medieval)


I'll be using your yurts, not theirs. :P
Just posted the pic to roughly demonstrate how it looks.


but... maybe we make for Sarmatians settlements (separately) yurts-like medieval (and modern)?  ;D


I don't think it's possible to have two different models of settlements of the same tier in the same culture (at least if it isn't a custom settlement). What I could do, if you make some "modern" yurts, is to use them in the nomadic large town and city, instead of the current ones.


Then maybe drop the sanctuary from the stratmap? A unified system for Sakas, Dahae. The differences will be only inside of the city.


Yeah, the sanctuary won't be present in the next tiers.


If we do not make a special sanctuary for saka, the mound (for strat map), the better at any tier (stratmap) sanctuary (of all nomads) does not show. Only inside of town.


Why, I don't think we need to be so historical that we can't have a Dahae sanctuary in the nomadic settlements. Besides, what do I put in the center, if not the sanctuary?


Kurgan for Sakas or void for sakas.
...or void for all nomads- it is the most simplified history.
the sanctuary of the Ustyurt single cases. And the Sakas mounds- thousands.

High levels of the cities of the steppe nomads- it's all fiction, falsification! We can show the soldiers and the sanctuary. :)


Ok. Then should I put the that mound in the middle of the settlement?


Quote from: Bercor on March 18, 2014, 11:35:05 PM
...I don't think we need to be so historical...
"Archaeology is the search for fact ... not truth..." I.J.

my other tasks I can't see