History/Research: The Peoples of the Steppe

Started by ahowl11, February 23, 2014, 09:40:35 PM

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Looking good. What would we use for Barracks, Market, blacksmith etc? Wouldn't everything need to be changed for the culture? Then we would need the customized settlement plan for the culture as well.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Dear comrades. It was a lot of mods, but no one has organized the nomads. No one can make the city moved on the map. We can make the illusion! The nomads were few buildings and enough. Temporary Yurt, permanent places of worship this tomb and sanctuary. For features. In the city, will be half of structures and actions.
Sarmatians: won the West and the South, there's a lot of cities did not have to intervene. But Saki and Dahae. We do not know anything about them.
Real construction of the nomads (TOWN):
Dahae. Saki. -Enlarge the  parking place, build a lair, to build the sanctuary, area councils.
Not built and the actions menu in TOWN: Find the winter parking, find (or designate) blacksmith, to drive livestock (horses, sheep, goats).
After each activity will be added (one simple yurt).
Strategy: If the nomads super powerful archers, with such a culture, when taking someone else's town, not the right to demolish enemy city (it is closer to reality), only repaired.
Not ready built: paddock for animals (or animal place) and the central square (or the area councils). Saky Sanctuary (in the form it is large mound)
If possible, capture the city of Saks and Dahae impossible. The only way to win is to destroy all enemy units.
Plus add decorations (trampled road, carts)
The only city main by sakskyi was CHIRIK-RABAD (in the center of the mound, around the walls and the remains of the unknown buildings). The CHIGU-CHEN who is not included in our map. The rest of the city, (not built ) occupied.
Proposal  to your strict Court  .


If not, then we mix with Parthian architecture the urban nomads


the most difficult thing I call it city nomads or urban nomads  ;D


It is a variant of urbanization ( Sakas or Dahae before will begin to build the city, army a lot but only horse archers)

it is for example/ Please discuss, correct!


Hmm we will definitely need to brainstorm for this
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


The sanctuary of the nomads (three levels).

*I offer three levels of construction. Saka (or massagetae) is a structure in the form of mound (kurgan). These nomads of the great number of mounds with menhirs, stone laying out, stone fences, etc. This mound of a fictional, but is best suited to the concept of "different levels of urban construction "
Мound (kurgan) were mainly for burials, but not soo lot of mounds of unknown why built.


God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


If a simple transition from nomadism to urbanization. We will place this in the town and refugee camps. I think that's all in structure of the buildings and the economy! But ready to listen to your opinion!
Economy in the structure of the game, it's something terrible for me. I think you can make good suggestions.

*the result tables is a yurts at dahae and Saka (massagetae) on the first level, there are a few buildings (Parthian arch) in second level. And the sanctuary of strictly tribe. It is ilusion of changing from nomadism to urbanisation.


Interesting fact (for the economy or just for fun  ;D ). Saki-haomavarga towards making Haoma. For many years, was going to dispute what is Haoma. There were two versions: marijuana and ephedra? There are a few Saks vessels with an image of ephedra. However, but the remains of marijuana in separate containers (up North).


                      An interesting facts!

1.An interesting fact about the Sarmatians. In one of the tombs of Sarmatian burial ground KYRYKOBA (not far from the city of Uralsk, Kazakhstan). Next to the remains of Sarmatian Warrior found pottery- Egyptian Scarabs )

2.Sakае smoked (or (and) eat) marijuana.

3.There are several Saka graves where the warior was buried with a dog.

4.The Saka and Sarmatians were animal style in art. On the northern boundary of the land of nomads found dumping (permafrost) with tattoos animal style.


                                  Historical sources

1. Clement of Alexandria writes: Saki women pretend to retreat. turn back and shoot ... as well as men. (Srom. I. V)
2. Aelian writes about the Sakae underground Sanctuary (Variae, historiae, XII, 38)
3. Herodotus book I 153; III 93; VI 113; VII 9, 64, 96, 184; VIII 113; IX 31, 71, 113.
4. Strabo, Geography XI 9.1, XI 8.2-9, XI, 8, 4,  II,1,14, XI.14.4

1. Herodotus book IV, 110—117, IV, 13, IV, 11, I, 201, ...
2. Ptolemaeus III, 10. 37—40,  III, 18. 41—43


...Strabo 11.9.3


                                          The clothing of the nomads.
in TWR mods there are tribes of nomads . The very best, they are shown in the EB1.
Rome surectum made a unique horse with horns. It is very beautiful, but the bug is that it is sporadic (solitary)and are only suitable for the generals of the army.

reconstruction by Gorelik

reconstruction by Gorelik

appropriate type

Behistun inscript

appropriate type

Sakaian soldiers of Xerxes army

sakas (persepolis inscript)

the good view

Sakian warrior





Cases for bow(Горит)  and quivers

from inernet (Scythians)

reconctruction from Altynbekov Kyrym labaratori (с)

Same with Scythians, Persians, Agripei, Massagetae, etc


At Saka, massagetae tombs- no one. If Shields were then made of wood and fabric



Sakae gold


Sakae Treasures (M.I. Artamonov 1973, RUS, lot of photos) (!!!)

The language of Southern of the Sakas (ENG.Rare and interesting article)

SINO-PLATONIC PAPERS A Study of Saka History (ENG)

Sarmatians. Ancient tribe of South Russia (RUS)