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Started by Aquila, March 20, 2014, 12:52:28 AM

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Mausolos of Caria

Is it too long? Sorry that was the longest one so far, but Epiros is one of the more important factions :D
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''


Mausolos of Caria

Hellenic Kingdoms III



Mysia has always been a mythic country, and the heroes of the Odyssey have wandered through it like the gods before them. One of them was Telephos, the son of the Arkadian princess Auge and the heroic Herakles, who reached the valley of the Kaikos when he searched after his mother. Auge had been living at the court of Theutras on the powerful fortress of Teuthrania, where Telephos was reunited with his mother. Delighted by his success, Telephos thanked the gods on Olympos and founded the city of Pergamon.

At least that's what Philetairos, the new ruler of the city, is telling us. But where are these tales coming from? We only know, that Pergamon was founded well over a thousand years ago and there was already a respectable settlement here in the time of the war between the Lakedaimonians and the Argivians, in which the latter introduced the classical formation called the phalanx. But the town was not really important at this time, and later fell under the rule of the Persians despite being fortified. During this time (399 BC), a true Greek dynasty ascended to the throne. Their sublime queen Hellas welcomed Xenophon of Athens, a chivalric officer and writer who is now a well known figure in the Greek world. Her husband Gongylos of Eretria helped Xenophon to besiege a Persian estate in the valley and to organise the help of a number of Lakedaimonians from Teuthrania.

Despite this Greek presence and the Hellenization by the royal house, the population was still native. But at this point, a wise man called Archias from the city of Epidauros visited Pergamon. He brought with him the knowledge of Asklepios, the god who can heal men from all wounds or diseases the mortals know of. The honest inhabitants of our city have built him a splendid temple, which lays outside the town and attracts many visitors every day. A few centuries after these events the great Alexander passed by and brought his concubine Barsine with her common son Herakles to live in Pergamon. Barsine was a noble and wealthy woman and helped the townsmen to build the mighty temple of Athena, before she was murdered three decaded (309 BC) ago. Eight years later, the diadoch Lysimachos won the control over the city following the death of Antigonos at the Battle of Ipsos (301 BC). He appointed a man called Philetairos to supervise the city for him- and the huge treasury of 9000 talents silver. Philtairos was a Barbarian Eunuch from Tieion in Paphlagonia and proved himself as a loyal servant of the king.

But two years ago (282 BC) Lysimachos' court fell in turmoil and Philtairos only saw one option- to join the case of Seleukos. The general, who ruled over Asia, defeated and killed his rival at Kurupedion (281 BC), but was later murdered by Ptolemaios Keraunos. Since Philetairos was close to Kurupedion, he gained the ash of Seleukos and sent it to his son and successor Antiochos I. . Not only did Antiochos approve this gesture of loyalty, but also allowed Philetairos a greater freedom in governing the city and it's chora. Now, Philetairos has begun printing his own coins, with the face of Seleukos on it. While news from a Gallic attack on Greece rich the city, the local militia has been well drilled and the Seleucid garrison consists of the most formidable Macedonian troops. Where will Philetairos guide us to? Will he stay loyal to Antiochos? Or should we follow our own goals? With a huge treasury at our disposal, plans to extend the city and to attract more philosophers, everything seems possible...

''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



Revision 164

'A runtime patch is applied to RomeTW-BI to make it look like ALX.exe'

Does that mean the Alex AI is being used?

Balla.  ???


Yes, the new launcher patches RomeTW-BI during runtime to have all fixes and features from ALX. This means our launcher now supports both RomeTW-BI.exe and RomeTW-ALX.exe

I also took a look at the Steam version and right now it looks like we won't be able to support the steam version of the game at all. The steam version's executable image is encrypted, so we can't even take a look at it before we manage to somehow decrypt it. Even so, it still requires the SteamAPI, which means it can't work with our launcher.
"I'm telling you this because you don't get it, you think you get it, which isn't the same as actually getting it. Get it?"


Well, at worst that means folk will have to spring a few pennies on a disc copy, if they don't already have it.

You Tube is probably a better method of promotion anyway.

Is the RTW / BI / Alex engine going to be selectable from the launcher?

Balla.  8)

Mausolos of Caria

Shall I continue with backgrounds for every little Greek state now? That will take ages  ;D
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?

Mausolos of Caria

''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''


Mausolos of Caria

I don't obey to you! Ahowl would say, get on the chat, but he's not there himself either  :P Poor Rio Ave, suffered their first final defeat against Benfica today, and probably another one will follow.
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



I'm not ordering you. I'm merely stating what's going to happen.

Rio Ave will win (See? I did it again).

Mausolos of Caria

What is going to happen is that we move to TWC  ;D
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''
