Affiliated Organisations - Applications and FAQs

Started by Jubal, May 13, 2014, 05:24:40 PM

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If you are a developer or creative developing paid for and/or for-profit products (games, software, boardgames, films, podcasts, books, etc), this thread is to give you information about how YOU can affiliate with the Exilian. Affiliation gives you full access to Exilian's fan community and regular plugs via our social media presence, as well as integrating your work into one of the most exciting creative communities on the internet. Full FAQs and an application form can be found below. Feel free to use this thread to ask more FAQs or queries on applications.

Affiliation FAQs

What do I gain from affiliating?
There are a few main points here, though anything else you want to ask for that we can do we'll happily have a go at.

  • A forum. All set up, totally free, right about here. We will also make pretty much as many subforums of that as you want for individual projects etc. We can even do password-coded areas if you want developer discussions to be able to take place. All that obviously gives you direct and privileged access to our core forum community.
  • Social media access and publicity support. We will plug, via twitter, facebook, and the Exilian frontpage, all your major releases, factfinding polls you want answered, the lot. We'll also link directly to your website. This is a major benefit if you're just starting out, as we'll try and ensure that as many people as possible find out about your work. We can also assist with press releases and other promotional stuff.
  • Community access. Exilian has, collectively, a lot of experience in gaming and game design. Via your forum you will have access to a great deal of feedback potential that you might not otherwise get.
  • Conventions. When Exilian goes to conventions or organises its own, we're there to plug your work directly to the public. That includes automatic access to get a stand if you want one, flier distribution help, slots for your team to do public Q&As, and so on. Even if you can't get to a convention, our staff will hand out fliers for you and get you access to the people there - potentially opening you up access to markets in totally different parts of the world.

What requirements are there for me as an affiliate?
There are three main requirements to become an affiliate, all super simple:

  • Post on your area! We and our community want to hear updates from YOU about what's going on. The baseline requirement isn't high for this though as we understand how busy a job game development is - once a month is the baseline minimum.
  • Reciprocal linking. We'll link to you from our site, we'd like you to do the same. This rule can be ignored if (and only if) you don't have your own website to link from.
  • Finally, the Exilian Terms of Service and site Constitution have to be compatible with what you're doing. If we're concerned that the project you're doing promotes unhealthy discrimination or otherwise opposes key aspects of our ethos, we can and will refuse your application or if you're an existing affiliate we can cease affiliation.

I can't see a specific form for what I do listed below - can I affiliate with Exilian?
In theory, certainly! Get in touch with us by PM and we'll discuss what we can sort out.

What happens if I don't post regularly?
If you fail to post on your forum for three months, we'll move it to an archive area, so it won't be so easily viewable but you can come back and revive it at any time.

Is any of this affiliation stuff legally binding in any way?
Nope! Everything here is run very purely according to Exilian's rules with no contractual obligations involved.

What if I want to disaffiliate?
Either you or us can end affiliation at any time with no prior warning needed - if you want to disaffiliate or have your forum deleted or archived, just PM us and we'll get it done.

Application Forms

So you want to affiliate? Excellent! Just fill out the form below - there's no need to spend too much time on it, short answers are fine. Send the completed application form by PM to the Megadux or Modding & Gaming Despotes and we'll try and get your application processed as quickly as possible.

Form 1: Game Developers

[b][u]Organisation/Dev Name:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Games/Projects in progress:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Approximate number of personnel:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Will your game be open source?[/u][/b]

[b][u]Will your game have any planned moddability?[/u][/b]

[b][u]What else, if anything, do you feel you can bring to this site?[/u][/b]

Form 2: Boardgame Developers

[b][u]Organisation/Dev Name:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Games/Projects in progress:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Approximate number of personnel:[/u][/b]

[b][u]How do you plan to distribute your game?[/u][/b]

[b][u]What else, if anything, do you feel you can bring to this site?[/u][/b]

Form 3: Drama producers

[b][u]Organisation/Dev Name:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Projects in progress:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Approximate number of personnel:[/u][/b]

[b][u]What sales model/copyrights/licensing do you intend to use for your work?[/u][/b]

[b][u]How do you foresee your audience being able to interact with your work?[/u][/b]

[b][u]What else, if anything, do you feel you can bring to this site?[/u][/b]

The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...