New Mount and Blade...Ish

Started by Clockwork, September 12, 2014, 10:48:20 AM

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Basically a pirates version of M&B Warband. Not reviewing it as I'm not so much a fan of the game but I know a lot of you are. Still early access btw, which is a disgusting practice about at the same level as necrophilia.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


How can they charge for a mod?

Never mind it is a standalone game
Tis but a scratch...


Yeah it's standalone but as you can see is basically a reskin of M&B with some piratey features added. I would say it looks to have more content than Napoleon or WFAS.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Cuddly Khan

It looks to me that it's the same engine, but everything has been changed.  I suppose it'd be the same deal as with Source Movie Maker, or what ever it's called. You're not allowed to make money from it or sell it if you use any of their resources. But what do I know, I'm just guessing. :P
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.

Son of the King

How are they allowed to sell this?


Pretty sure there was a mod for warband like this, it looks like they've repackaged it as a standalone. I don't get how they can do this either.


I think anyone can use the engine to make a game now. Maybe he licenses it or something /shrug. But even though I hate how clunky and everything M&B is, I may just get this....because pirates.

EDIT: Also, watch the developer videos on the steam page if you haven't. The new stuff does look pretty cool.

EDIT 2:Ok so I've been looking into this since I posted this first time and it seems WFAS did the same, the guys there are a different company using the M&B prefix for their game. There is precedent to this.

From the ttwforums:

"Quote from: Proteus on May 23, 2011, 03:22:07 PM
I don´t think so...
while Taleworlds owns the engine,
I´m sure, that SiCh owns all the graphical models that they created for WFaS,
unless they explicitely agreed upon them becoming intellectual property of Taleworlds.

Not sure about any module scripts however, as they couldn´t be used outside of the warbands engine...
maybe for them, Taleworlds reserved certain copyrights"

SiCh being the guys that made WFaS, just in case it wasn't obvious.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


I think this is supposed to be the sequel to the With Fire and Sword thing which was basically a mod made by an independent team but they'd sorted some deal with TW to make it a commercial thing.


No Caribbean is being made by Snowbird.

Apparently they are the same people under a different name, sorry penty.

portugal it, I'm reading opposing things from different sources. I have no idea.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.
