Vocalists of Exilian?

Started by Lady Grey, October 14, 2014, 01:45:01 PM

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Lady Grey

Are there any more vocalists on here? :)


The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Lady Grey

:D thought we should have a thread for it :) What genre of music do people perform/enjoy? :)

I'm a bit of everything, but like to make songs my own if I perform them :) I think my voice suits musical theatre and Celtic Women type stuff :)


Video or audio clip or it didn't happen.

Lady Grey

When I get my voice back properly :P

And get a decent microphone :P


Well, my voice is on my YouTube channel.

I would say that I have a reasonable, albeit quite low, singing voice (Think Tom Jones).
I used to do actual stuff around here, don't you know?

I would be ever so grateful if you would visit my YouTube Channel :)


Lady Grey

DeepComet, are there any videos of you singing? :)



MoD: Not from this Millennium, I'm afraid!

Trouble is, my mic is more for regular speaking than singing. Maybe if I get a better one, I shall serenade you...

I used to do actual stuff around here, don't you know?

I would be ever so grateful if you would visit my YouTube Channel :)


Lady Grey

Haha, I want a better singing one before I record too :)

Soprano rant: I recently had laryngitis, and the cold I had that led to it went on my chest, and I've not had my full vocal range for weeks :( Give me back high C-F D:

Rant over. :P


That's always the excuse; "oh my camera doesn't work" "my microphone doesn't work" "I have a deadly respiratory disease" wahwahwah. :P


Some of us have to work within very sensitive parameters!
I used to do actual stuff around here, don't you know?

I would be ever so grateful if you would visit my YouTube Channel :)



I just always end up really dissatisfied with recordings I make - I like singing but I don't actually like the sound of my own voice.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Lady Grey

^ Ditto! I get really embarrassed hearing myself sing :(