
Started by comrade_general, November 14, 2014, 01:22:58 AM

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Quote from: Pentagathus on November 14, 2014, 10:48:39 AM
Don't exercise people, it hurts.

Sadly it does, I've buggered up something in my left leg these past few years, usually it's okay but if I don't stretch down properly it flares up. We've got a competition/demonstration coming up in December so I need to keep up to scratch for that! And I want to be at my best for when I have to move clubs when I go down to Norwich for (hopefully) the next few years!


Okay, how did you bugger up leg? What is this competition/demonstration about? What are clubs and how do you move them? :)


Not sure really, it developed this problem a couple of years back, sometimes it just locks up for no good reason, it usually passes after a day or so though so no biggie. Taekwon-do stuff, we've got a small inter-club competition happening in December where some of us senior grades are going to do some demonstration stuff rather than competing with each other because there's only about 5 of us. Clubs are just different groups, I think they're part of the same big family so it should be fairly simple to move but with our lot you never know, splits within splits within splits.

Silver Wolf

I've done Taekwon-do in the past.

For about two years. ;D
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


I did it for about two days. :P


I'm on 12 years now, time sure does fly!


I started doing some landscaping work just last week and I'm surprised at how much I've bulked up already. :o


Back in my early teen years genes were very kind to me. I stuffed my face with junk everyday and I only did sport when I had to at school, yet I grew fast enough to never get that fat. When that wore off when I was ~15 I stated doing actual exercise, and I've mostly managed to keep doing enough since then.


Quote from: Marcus on November 14, 2014, 06:24:12 PM
I thought it might be jogging with or in yoghurt, but this is so much better! :D

Jogging IN yoghurt would significantly up the resistance, so it'd probably be a better workout.

Mostly I'm just doing a yoga/Pilates mix at the moment, to work on upper body strength - solely for the purposes of shooting straighter. Yay for having goals, I guess.
A coder, a hoodie, a coffee pot, a robot.

"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."


I do very little exercise :( I do bits on my own when I can, but recently I've just not done any from being unwell.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...