Heroes can choose from more than two skills.

Started by Pentagathus, March 25, 2009, 08:32:16 PM

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Since I couldn't see it in the rules I asked about it on a mordhiem forum.
This reply was backed by everyone else.

"No, each hero has their skill list. he MIGHT be referring to the fact of the Lad's Got Talent skill roll. With it, your NEW HERO that was previously a Henchman can now CHOOSE TWO SKILL LISTS from existing Heroes on the warband to learn from in the future. Otherwise, follow your warband rules for each Hero and their Skill Lists available to them."


Tis but a scratch...


but as we have already written our lists with only two in mind in may be too late to change them
Tis but a scratch...


The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Drippy we still have 2 weeks untill the campain starts, thats plenty of time to change it if you want to.


Tis but a scratch...
