Thoughts on Maze design wanted

Started by Jubal, April 16, 2016, 06:39:00 PM

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How to deal with nodes in a maze?

Just do it as if going forwards - show a curve into the next tunnel for corners, the next 2 exits on a T, etc
0 (0%)
Maximise exits shown - do corners showing the two paths, Ts leading up to a fork, etc
0 (0%)
Edit the game engine so you can show different pictures depending on direction, anything else is too confusing
1 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 1


OK, the question is this - when one has static image locations and you're building a maze, what's the best way to do it? The player can go through the maze in either direction, and it's limited to one image for each "node" in the maze, which can be dead ends, corners, T junctions or multi-way junctions.
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