Art, Writing, and Learning: The Clerisy Quarter > Roman Law Project

Resources elsewhere


This is a collection of links and potentially other material, partly as a set of bookmarks for things I or others might want to find again.

* Wikipedia: Corpus Juris Civilis article, List of Roman consuls
* Constitution Society: S. P. Scott translation
* Grenoble University: Roman Law Library

* Latin text of the Corpus (Mommsen & Krueger edition?)
* English texts (including Scott: Institutes, Digest, Codex, Novels)
* University of Wyoming: Fred H. Blume translation (Codex and Novels only)
* Project Gutenberg:

* The Twelve Tables (translation and arrangement by P. R. Coleman-Norton)
* The Institutes of Justinian (translation by J. B. Moyle)
01-Jul-2017: Grenoble University URLs updated
13-Jan-2023: list of consuls added


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