Stuff that would fit in the mod

Started by dj_chisi10, May 05, 2009, 05:35:09 AM

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@millenium changing map icons is possible, i can look it up, if you want...




by map icons you mean the little icons of cities & towns on the main map???


yup, and the little guy running from town to town...


well they are in:
I'll make some elvish icons later for the tree villages.



Ok, feel free to change them for more appropriate ones.

The Red Baron

In my readings I recently came across fire-weed. Some form of plant that saphira eats. And I was thinking, doesn't saphira also need to eat. Well I assymed ther might be priblems qith a mount eating, so I thought your dragon should be a companion instead of a mount.


Yeah  :)
A mountable companion
you can do it with deer so why not dragons  :D


Quote from: "The Red Baron"In my readings I recently came across fire-weed. Some form of plant that saphira eats. And I was thinking, doesn't saphira also need to eat. Well I assymed ther might be priblems qith a mount eating, so I thought your dragon should be a companion instead of a mount.
I had suggested fire-weed in the old thread at Taleworlds but everyone disagreed. I knew i was right


mountable companion? never heard of a possibility for that...


I love the idea of promoting a dragon to a more important role- they are, in addition to being great mounts, friends!
Maybe we'll just make it so, that when you get the dragon, you also get a companion- a dragon!
Actually, that gives me some ideas. I'll get back to you after I've tried something!

Also, I was wondering about dragon names. In a few mods, there's been an option to name someone. Could this work for the dragon. This is how it would work:
When you get the dragon, you get to write a name for it. We'd have to code it using an edit tuple, a tuple that allows the player to change names and textures (you'd choose the color of the dragon as well!) without edit-mode being enabled.

The Red Baron

that's exactly what we need.


you will be glorified amongst moders for ages.