
Started by Millenium, May 05, 2009, 05:46:01 AM

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I'm currently trying to design a skill for the mod, called the "Blacksmith" skill. It allows you to craft weapons and armor in the camp menu.

My question is, does anyone (pointing towards Darwin...) have any experience in coding the effect of the skill?


well, i don't know much about skills, where can i find them in the module_system?
but adding this smith function is a nice idea. maybe it could add attributs like well made but i think you shouldnt craete new weapons/armors or at least you need materials


So, I'm going to do it through module_game_menus. There isn't any info available for making skills, and that's the problem.


we maybe could make it depend on another skill(don't ask me which one)


We could have it affected by weapons master? Since a weapons master would be able to craft weapons  :p


Well, Darwin is now responsible for the skill- good luck!


yes, but he isnt sure about what you can do with the smith option, i need ideas


Lets say my Blacksmith is 10

Take an action

Scale body
Scale helmet
Scale gloves
Lordly mail with surcoat

King Hammer
Masterwork Scimitar of Hadarac


what do you mean

and btw, i'll try it without blacksmith skill


i need a quest, which enables the smith option

The Red Baron

How about a quest where a lord needs you get him a weapon, but it isn't sold so you have to make it yourself, so you go to Rhun


The Red Baron

Could have a place in towns called "The Forge" where you can go to learn to make weapons or to make them yourself, instead of in a camp menu, because whose gonna carry a full forge around with them.


mmh, a village, but i'm not experienced in dialogs :( you millenium?

The Red Baron

Not village, like you walk into Sargoth and you can
Go to the castle
take a walk around the streets
go to the areana
go to the marketplace
go to the forge

and you learn to make new weapons like in Magic World learning new spells.  You find someone to teach you, you do a quest for them, and then they teach you.  To make a weapon, you have to stay in the forge for a day or two and pay for supplies, which would be cheaper than buying the weapon, but you have to waste a couple days.  Perhaps Rhunon teaches you to make a riders sword that will never break or drop.