What should I be doing?

Started by Goromous, May 05, 2009, 06:31:38 PM

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I have a lot of free time, but am really new to modding M&B. What should I learn to do? What would most benefit the mod? Should I take up modeling? Or should I learn how to make troop trees? Or edit scenes? Or should I write dialog?

Like I said, I have plenty of time, so I should be able to learn something fairly fast.

As you know, I can edit pictures fairly well, and I can also write well.

Just let me know what you think.

Any suggestions?


i would advice you to start learning about modelling
its far more easy and more fun than codding

let me know if you need any help
and if you decide to learn more about modelling,don't start with Wings ( uhhh!!!  :ermm:   )
find another 3d aplication.

if something  pm and i can give you some help!!!  B)


Alright, I will start modeling then. Thanks in advance, cause I know I'll have some questions ahead of me :p


first thing you need to do is go to http://usa.autodesk.com and download 3ds Max 2010
it costs aprox 4000E.  :'(
just kidding,they have a 30 day trial version to download

thats the first step

edit:  http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/mform?id=10083915&siteID=123112

the trial version page


Quote from: "dj_chisi10"good.
first thing you need to do is go to http://usa.autodesk.com and download 3ds Max 2010
it costs aprox 4000E.  :'(
just kidding,they have a 30 day trial version to download

thats the first step

edit:  http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/mform?id=10083915&siteID=123112

the trial version page
Why not Wings3D (freeware)?



exactly, wings3d is good for beginners, why not use it?


'Cause I find Wings infuriating?!

Pity chisi saw this before me- I would've converted you to the awesome faith of scripting!



I'll probably end up learning some code, as I'll be attending college for game design in a few years.


no, i think another modeller is more important for the team


Quote from: "Darwin"no, i think another modeller is more important for the team
he's right.we could use another modeller
you could be my apprentice.hehehe,i'll be youre master  :cyclops:

you should try wings and see all the tutorials about modelling in Wings (  :X   :X  )

Me + wings =  :barf:   :ouch:
 its so ****ing slow and ugly,and it doesnt have a 4 view standard (top left front and right )  :ermm:


i dont really know what problems you have. the most other modelling programs are sooooo complicated



I agree about the four way view. It comes in handy.

Yes master, I'll download the 3ds max trial! And then maybe I'll use gmax when it runs out?


Quote from: "Darwin"no, i think another modeller is more important for the team
well, to see the model from all the sides just press middle scroll and enter the world of *stops and thinks a minute for a name* turning around the model?
