Collection of Norbayne Combat Tests

Started by Phoenixguard09, December 17, 2016, 07:32:29 AM

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I've added a handful of character sheets and will add the others when I get a chance over the next few days.

Just quickly talking about the team balance and how each combatant fits in each team.

Team One:
Has two reasonably light tanks and excellent support, but does suffer with regards to dealing high damage.
- Dorien is a Binder, a heavily armoured caster who can take a fair bit of punishment thanks to Shadow Fields. He doesn't have a great deal of health though. His conjured blades allow him to cause a reasonable amount of damage in combat too.
- Gryffynn is a spear-wielding Guardian. He doesn't use any Guardian magic, but is effective at tying up enemy combatants. Would normally look pretty good, flicking out Quick Attacks and knocking enemies Prone, but against a Feartarbh, that may be more difficult. Gryffynn gets more effective as his allies go down thanks to Avenger.
- Dayne will probably go wolf, and thanks to Wild Casting, can still cast in Wildform. Has a few good support spells. Using Ironwood Skin on Gryffynn or Dorien to help them survive in combat will be a priority. Can act as a striker in wolf-form.
- Varrik will be Team One's main damage dealer most likely. He can crank out an obscene number of shots every turn due to his extensively modified repeater crossbow and the last bolt in each magazine explodes on impact. He is unfortunately pretty squishy, and could well be one of Team Two's main targets.
- Briala is an interesting one. Very sneaky, she is slightly out of her element in this scenario. With that said, she does have the ability to Sneak Attack, and can do so both with her dagger or her flintlock, which could even give her a one-shot kill. It's reload is such that she will probably never get to use it twice though.

Team Two:
A heavy and a light tank, both very capable of causing damage, great battlefield control and a damage-based caster.
- Corbulo, like all Feartarbh Warriors is going to be a handful for Team One. Corbulo will lead the charge and, while not heavily armoured, can take a lot of punishment. Wields a mattock, which in his hands causes a nasty amount of damage. Will likely end up taking Dorien.
- A fire-based Mage, Caelwulf can cause a lot of damage very quickly. He is pretty frail though. Doesn't have much else going for him, but to be fair, probably doesn't need to.
- Roberre acts both as a light tank and a good close combat striker. Will probably rove Corbulo's flanks, taking on Team One's secondary fighter, likely Gryffynn. Excellent one on one and relies on agility and cunning tricks to defeat his opponents. Damage is an issue, but gets plenty of strikes. Every Parry he makes garners a free Quick Attack, and he wields a sabre and a dagger at once, so he should get plenty of opportunities to make that happen.
- Jagoda is a Blight-based Warlock, making her exceptionally good at making her opponents weak and feeble. As the curse archetype of the Warlock, Jagoda will probably be looking to reduce the effectiveness of Team One's support base. Most of her damage effects are slow-acting, but stack nicely over time.
- Lilliana is a Bard, and won't be causing much damage, but has some truly scary support effects. Discordant note provides a potential Stun on everyone in earshot and Lullaby can just put them to sleep. As a D'Artallion Bard, Lilliana has access to poisons and concealed weapons too, and as such has poisoned bolts for her hand-crossbow. Those poisons range from debilitating to potentially lethal.

I will be getting Dev and Ladyhawk to play this conflict out sometime next week. Leave a post here telling me which team you think will win. I think they decided on Ladyhawk taking Team Two, but I am not certain on that count.

Stay tuned! :P
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


You've reached the dizzying heights of being featured in Updates again, to let you know :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I know! :D I saw that. Thanks again bud.
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


At least half those characters sound really, really familiar......

Yay, limitations!
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Sure ;)

Team two looks like it should win btw
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Looking forward to seeing the result :) Betting on team one, for no good reason other than it's the opposite of what Clockwork said and I want sole victory in the betting :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Still trying to organise when they can play it out but hopefully it will be soon.

I have to say Team 2 with a Feartarbh warrior and a straight Mage have an edge in sheer damage. Team 1 has a lot of powerful battlefield control type effects though.
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Team 2 hype!

You don't bet against Leliana :P
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Team One! Team One! Fight conclusion is foregone! Team One! Team One! Fight conclusion is foregone!

(Never get me to write a football chant it will go badly for everyone)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I have posted a few more character sheets for your perusal guys. ;)
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Dev will definitely be taking Team One and Ladyhawk will be commanding Team Two. We hope to play it out tomorrow. ;)

I have also completed the last character sheets, which can be found on the last post of the previous page of this thread.
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Hype hype hype :P

(Thoughts - this could actually be a good way to get people interested in in-progress games, by investing them in the results of playtests...)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Not entirely sure how we could get people invested if I'm honest. :P
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Well, you've managed with Rob and I :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...