Fun stuff/team building

Started by dj_chisi10, May 08, 2009, 11:45:17 PM

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Hello there!!!

Yesterday i was thinking of something,
that we are working on this project together,and i realized that i dont know you at all.
So thats why i started this topic,to know more about each others.

I'll start:

My name is Bogdan
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The one in the center
i have 19 e old and i'm from Bucharest,Romania
i first started modding games a couple of years ago,when i became interested in making cars for GTA Vice City
i like video games ( we all do) and my favorite game is probably Gothic 1,2,3 ( i just love  those games)
Last year i've finished Highschool  :X   :huh: and now i'm working in some supermaket  :X  ( just temp. ) and moding games
At MB i like the combat (its just so fun killing enemies ).

i think thats all for now

ohh...and please dont be shy,we wanna know you better

and i would appreciate if you all could respond to this thing


Very good idea!

My name is Jacob. I'm 16 years old, and I'm a going into my junior highschool year. I play games a lot (Mostly M&B lately), I also play xbox360, namely Gears of War 2, and a few others. I intend to attend(Just had to) UAT(University for Advancing Technology), and major in Game design, and a minor in English, or something of the like.

I was in the progress of writing a book with my brother, which was put on hold due to lack of interest, among other personal issues.

I am the co-founder to a clan on xbox-live, which, before we lost interest in playing competitively, had around fifty plus members.

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Add me if you have a myspace!


Edit: I live in America, btw. Indiana, to be precise.


;) you look so funny when you are a little drunk  :D
wait untill i'll find a picture of mine being drunk  ;)

Edit:Found one  :o
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:flashy:  :cyclops:


Haha, nice.

Who said I was a little drunk? xD


well, my name is Moritz, i'm livin in germany, and 14 years old(youngest in team?), i'm going on a kind of high school, and hoping, i'll study informatics, i started modding with M&B, but before programmed with(or in?) java
:flashy:  :cyclops:  :ball:


Name's Tapani, Finnish, 15, started modding by making small quests/items for other mods (Chronicles of Talera mainly). This is my first own mod, and its going well so far :P

Need to find a picture here...


i guess im holding a record here :D i go to school, but my age is misterious :D i am the youngest in the team for sure....
pretty good at school, i dont study at all but i lsiten and remember (and then peple think im a nerd) pretty talented, play B-ball read books, play guitar, play games :D and much more but ill just cut it... srry dont have any pic except from my talent show where i was playing so i look sorta embarassing but you put up like pics where you were drunk :D


you're younger than 14 :blink:


:D to be honest im 13.... but i dont want to tell it on taleworlds forum coz people might change their opinion :D i meen you have a fight with someone and he's like "shut up! your 13!" :D
thats why i dont say it much so it stays here :D


Most of taleworlds is 12-16 in age I would bet. I doubt they would say anything.

I myself am 15..


Yea, on debating sites I just shut up about my age (15) and people assume I'm whatever age I put on the reg. form. I'm surprised people can't tell I'm not a 35 year old Albanian sometimes, but there we go.

I'm from the UK btw.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


lol, why Albania? :D
rofl and i did think your somewhat older :D
and taleworlds age is average 18-25
something like that...


@ jubal
where in uk? i fly to torquay in summer

btw, friday i'll be getting 15 :D

and i'm sure taleworlds age average isnt 12-16


i said it now so i dont forget  :D:D:D:D
i would buy you a present if i could...


:PrivateClarkOnly: All the same