work in progress

Started by dj_chisi10, May 13, 2009, 11:30:56 PM

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if you want it textured let me know :)

here your sword's UVs, if you plan on integrating them to M&B you might consider reducing their poly count,
I also included a uvsnap & a screenshot of an elven sword I made, now your turn :)


just finished a shield from a pic posted by Tintin earlier: (( of course it needs a better texture, Tryadelion I'll send you the UVsnap later cuz right now I'm dead & I can only see my pillow))

Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle


how can i reduce the polygons?


I don't know about Wings 3D but if you are using Maya or 3Ds then there's the function Reduce under Mesh menu.
sometimes it gives an error, just use cleanup under the same menu & it'll work.

Shield's UVsnap:
Spoiler: click to toggle


i use wings 3d to export the items.

also,   i can't paint these shield because i need the elven armour pattern before  >_<
i can't make a shield yellow and pink, and later, teh elves are black & blue


Thanks Sib. Nice models. I may need you to texture it. Just want to test it first

Rapidshare doesn't seem to be working. Can you send it on Skype?


yeah sure Tintin log in.

for the elven I think mostly white with blue & golden motifs ((look at the armors posted somewhere around here :d ))
just make the materials just like in the pictures I'll work on motifs like the ones on the armors.


Quote from: "sibylla"yeah sure Tintin log in.

for the elven I think mostly white with blue & golden motifs ((look at the armors posted somewhere around here :d ))
just make the materials just like in the pictures I'll work on motifs like the ones on the armors.
I think i logged in as soon as you logged out


Keep up the good work guys! Most of what you're saying is above my pool of knowledge, but as it sounds complicated, it must be good!



when will you send me the models sib?


they still need to be textured, as soon as I get to my desktop I'll send them to tryadelion for textures & alpha channels too by the way then I'll send them to you


Remember to also send them to me! We'll have to name and grade the weapons correctly!


working on the shield... i have some homework first XXD


OK, good luck! Remember, dragon should be first priority, as it will take a while to code. Also, I can't wait to fly it.


dragon is done (almost the 0.1), and sybilla got it.