
Started by The Red Baron, May 17, 2009, 12:32:05 AM

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The Red Baron

Basicly, I think we should have permanent alliances, perhaps between dwarves and the varden, but we need to make them actual allainces, not just "not at war".  So lords of each faction would help each other in a fight, if you're at war with one, you're at war with the other, the marshall can call lords from both factions, etc.  Would probably a difficult piece of coding.  discuss options for alliances and stuff here.


If so, I think the empire should have a larger number of lords then the varden, dwarves, and elves put together.

Perhaps the reason for having less Dwarves could be the fact that most of the clans don't want to fight the empire, anyway.


as baron said, difficult


I already made sure the Empire has 2 times as much lords as the Varden. They are going to crush number-wise (+ they have two dragon-riders), but the Surdan Lords are powerful.


True. How powerful is an NPC dragon rider? Murtagh for instance. How many guys could he, by himself, take on?


Quote from: "Goromous"True. How powerful is an NPC dragon rider? Murtagh for instance. How many guys could he, by himself, take on?
From a book standpoint Eragon or Murtagh could take out an entire army alone, IF there were no magicians.

So... That is hard to answer.

From a Mount and Blade standpoint I would say that you should make them be able to take out at least 50 or so men alone.


A quite good estimate- Remember that he'll have magic to aid him! Eragon is going to be much faster than Murtagh, but Murtagh is more powerful.


Oh, and Galbatorix is going to be able to take out like 100 un-mounted enemies easily. He's slow, but if you don't dodge that sword, you're a goner. In addition, he's group has +500 soldiers.


Yeah. The only reason the empire hasn't won already is because Galbatorix is lazy. Seriously, he could ride out and with the whisper of a word, kill the entire Varden army.


Ol' Galby is too busy at night with murtagh and Durza to worry about the varden.  :$

Edit: Oops, I'm sorry. I'm half asleep, and I accidentally clicked edit post instead of reply...

- Goro


And shruken.

Poor dragon..



Quote from: "Darkstar707"Ol' Galby is too busy at night with murtagh and Durza to worry about the varden.  :$
That must be why Murtagh is so uptight all the time..



I believe I have solved this matter. In, there is scripts  blocked with #, which can be assigned to make a war between different factions. Underneath, is an un-blocked script, which randomly makes war and peace among factions. If we were to block that one, and unblock the others, we can freely set alliances and enemies.

I bet every other modder knew this already, except for me!


i think its from an older version and not usable anymore, but i'm not sure, we'll have to try