
Started by The Red Baron, May 17, 2009, 04:22:02 PM

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The Red Baron

Can we get an update on dragon meshes as well as coding for the dragons?  Also, an idea for flying, is it possible to add AI mesh  above the ground and then use the telaport (link below) to move to that mesh?



dragon coding is actually done, onla need the model, flying isnt possible, because you need an animation :(


for the animation we can rig the dragon to the main bone so he won't move at all when he's flying ((it means we'll have 2 meshes for the same dragon one rigged as native horses & one who doesn't move)) but still it'll be odd a dragon flying like an airplane without moving his wings.

The Red Baron

Couldn't we change a non-used animation


We'll have to find a one that fits first!

Anyway, I thought Darwin's dragon is the summoned one, not the Dragon-mount.


Spoiler: click to toggle

That's the list of most animations, you know. The un-used ones are at the bottom.


we could use an unused_horse_anim, couldnt we


...But we don't know what the animations are like...

The Red Baron

put one in and find out



I'm not sure if this will help you guys but there was a mod called yaxie mod and in it there was an armour that was like a giant bug so basically you ran around as a giant bug. Could you make the dragon model work sort of like an armour? I'm not sure what the limits of this would be. Just a suggestion. I thought you may want to check out the mod.


Oookay guys, I've finished the quests which unlock the dragons (still have to send them to Darwin), and what I need now is a DRAGON MODEL. Could someone (preferably Chisi) take over the dragon, and make a final draft? I can then start working on the animations of the dragon.

Secondly, where's MISHO?! I have some work for him.

Thirdly, is it possible to create an invisible scene object, which is hard (cannot be walked through), and which can be controlled?

P.S: Not the magic dragon, the mount dragon.


magic dragon and mount dragon are the same ;)

invisible scn.obj: what do you mean with "controlled"? push I and it moves forward?


Wait a moment, I thought that the magic item (skullblaka?) conjures a dragon who roasts your enemies? And the Mountable Dragon is achievable from the 2 quests, and can only be mounted (it flies, hopefully).

And by controlled, I mean that when you push the forward-button (or w), it moves along with your character.


1.you're right with the dragons, but the magic dragon is just a mount of an invisible troop, firing out of the mouth ;)
2. don't think this is possible, you should ask in the forge