
Started by Darwin, July 06, 2009, 12:10:09 PM

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The Red Baron


I don't know a lot about the inheritance cycle but what is the technicolor blades  & this erason anyway???

The Red Baron

muter1234 adnd vatermath were arguing about the name during a discussion about the different rider's blades and one of them said we should call it eragon, land of the technicolour blades.  When someone brought up the name later I joked about that but i misspelled eragon as erason.  And so we go...

I think that having that name lowers the reputation of the mod and if you don't change it, at least add a "g" so recruits know its about eragon

EDIT: I can view taleworlds so I don't need an external link


I say no. If he's resigning as team lead, there's no sense in banning him from exilian anyway.

The Red Baron

You guys could change this forum password if you want

please don't


please let's cut it out already he's been banned from TW that's enough let's all go back to work & finish this mod. :)


ahhhh, this is the story of the name :D

ok, i'll call it eragon



The Red Baron

It was all over TW for 2 days unfortunatly


mmh, guys there's a little problem... i'll be in vacation form saturday for 2 weeks, the 4 days at home, 2 weeks away, so we need a leader for the next 2 weeks i think... Sib? (hisi isnt active enough, and i actually dont know what abouot him :unsure: )


Can I help at all?
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


you as leader for 2 weeks or what do you mean?


I dunno... I can do if it'd be helpful, I've got experience in mod leading. Or any help we as staff ca give to help you over this whole leader change thing.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


well, lets see what sib says... your help is welcome anyway of course :D


well I'm not interested in leading, too much pain in the as* =p, also I'll be away for a week visiting family in Belgium, so Jubal it's all yours :d