
Started by Darwin, July 06, 2009, 12:10:09 PM

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ok, jubal, make it :D

The Red Baron

We don't necassarily need a leader. I'm on exilian a lot now, so I'll help here, but as long as everyone knows what their doing, we only need a leader when we have to compile stuff and for closed beta stuff.  So,  if we need any leader actions I could step in, I know whats going on in the mod without going on TW, so...


Quote from: "The Red Baron"We don't necassarily need a leader. I'm on exilian a lot now, so I'll help here, but as long as everyone knows what their doing, we only need a leader when we have to compile stuff and for closed beta stuff.  So,  if we need any leader actions I could step in, I know whats going on in the mod without going on TW, so...
That sounds smart as you were the leader before

The Red Baron

Yes, the wise, old, (banned  :D ) leader can still pull some wisdom out these days


the main function of a leader are recruiting and answering questions, and organizing a bit, we also need this on TW, not just here...

The Red Baron

Its mainly on TW then here



We could have 2 leaders  :D


one 4 exilian the other 4 tw.


fix your sig, and use the edit button :|


baron why the hell did u make a dupe at TW?


I think he's made a couple of dupes now :ball:



In the Whos been banned thread a few of the banned people have been banned as dupes of TRB


yeah, i understood this ;)
the :huh: was pointed at Baron