Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn > Tabletop Games - The Game Room

P&P YouTube channels.

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No problem! :)

Cool, not heard of them I'll give them a look tomorrow!

Ladyhawk and I are trying to get through Season 2 of Critical Role at the moment. Amazing stuff.

By the way Clockwork, pretty sure all the streamed CR stuff is 5th Ed, although their first campaign did begin with Pathfinder. I'm pretty sure they ported that campaign to 5th Ed before the stream started. :)

I've never really enjoyed "let's watch other people play games" as a genre, though maybe I should try watching CR as everyone seems to love it so much. I have been digging into some of Matt Colville's videos on DMing lately though, there's some interesting stuff in there certainly.

I went a very long time unable to get into that same genre Jubs. Dev asked me about the possibility of recording our sessions ages ago and I shot it down pretty well immediately because I couldn't fathom how someone could sit and watch that for hours on end.

Now, older and wiser, I have revised my viewpoint. The depth to their actual role-playing is incredible. Mercer is a very good GM, but the investment of his players really allows him to go all out.

I can totally fathom how other people get into that genre - I'm sure it's good entertainment. But audiovisual entertainment just doesn't seem to work for me as well as some people, even if I can appreciate what's going on.

Tangentially, I'm wondering about compiling a list of good channels/videos/audio for game developers... it's the sort of thing that probably exists elsewhere, but I wouldn't know where to find it so we may as well have it in a tuts section here?


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