where are the modelers

Started by Darwin, August 19, 2009, 09:50:28 AM

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using vectors I re-created the white edges ((My god how I hate Vectors)) :
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& then I was able to brighten the tex without risking the edges to fade out:
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the final result looks kinda scary I know :p :
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but applied to the mesh it looks not bad:
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The Red Baron

Wow,  once again, brilliant work sib


thx, I imported some dwarven helemts I created way back & ... we really need a texturer (( I can re-texture but not texture))
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THere is that guy called Volkan who was workin on Second age he's a brilliant texturer if we contact him he might want to help.




I need help, when I import the smd of the 2nd animation I get an error because it contains an IK I tried collapsing the rotation & position of each bone then deleted the IK, but when I imported it in openBRF it got upside down & the bones didn't keep their positions.
so anyone can help??


the animations are nice :) but i cant help you, ask in the forge maybe...

can you contact Volkan? i think we really need him :P



I love the emotes- I bet they're for Warband.


lol if you mean those dances they're not. I made them for our mod.


hahaha, right, millenium didnt know of our little surprise :D


Neither does the Goromous :0


Aaah, you made the animations? Excellent, I pronounce you our official animator! Once we have the draogn, do you think you could make some animations for it?


I just wanted to ask where are all of these files because obviously you would need them to view them and i dont think we are leaking stuff on youtube. :ermm:

oh i looked at high elfs moddeling tutorial and made this.
I know its crap but still ive only just started learning.



Actually, as I haven't even been sharing any files recently (I've got so much to do, that I have to push most stuff into a later release), I'm not sure. All ready files should be sent to Darwin.


actually yes, but you know the problems of sending files to me :P :D


I thought it was the problem with sending files to ME. Or then me trying to send sources...


new open brf version  on mbrepository  :flashy:  
well at least i think it is  :ermm: