
Started by Darwin, August 22, 2009, 04:12:54 PM

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lol change your desktop's theme it might be because of the style you're using ?


hahahahaha :D looks really funny

but why? virus?

well, you would have to search in the options, but that will be difficult...


I think he just accidentally changed the font used by the windows style he's using, maybe not?


The Red Baron

Ok, made some advancements, I was able to navigate to the control panal, appearance and to my theme, and under advanced options, I found that no font was selected, so my computer automatically did wingdings.  I changed it and it fixed most stuff except the skype stuff, now I just have to figure out how to change the font in skype and reset it to english


good luck and good night :)


there you go:
Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle


you use paint???

The Red Baron

I don't have those options or that drop-down menu!


@Darwin hehe of course not it's just the fastest way to save a printscreen
if you see on the left bottom you'll see paintshop pro's logo.
@TRB try to follow the same steps as I did :
sixth button on the topmenu then all the way down & the options window will pop up.


puh.... i thought you were crazy

The Red Baron

we got the chat going, just need the skype names of Millenium, Gorgoromous, and Evil if he's still around


he's called goromus ;)
not gogoromus


Haha. I don't remember mine. I'll download it, and find out. Lol.


Quote from: "Darwin"he's called goromus ;)
not gogoromus
He's called Goromous
not goromus  :P