The Last Airbender: Total War V0.83 Released

Started by KurdishNomad, March 27, 2021, 03:39:27 PM

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The Last Airbender: Total War V0.83 Released!

Welcome to the release of the new version (v0.83). After the release of V0.80 I got many requests and feedback to add and change things like better balancing regarding the economy and public order. Aside from the need for balancing I have added many new things such as more heroes, mercenaries, new buildings and ancillaries. Now parts of Book 1 are also incorpirated into the main campaign in the form of roleplay with ancillaries and traits. Want to find Momo? or kill the moon with the great admiral Zhao? It is possible. In future releases this will be expanded on much further. Various other things have been changed as well to improve stability, tanks now work and have spinning wheels. The catapults have been removed as they are still bugged and will be replaced with new ones further down the road.

If you have any questions feel free to join the TLA:TW discord:

RTW discord community for general modding:

Download and installation:
<a href="" title="Download The Last Airbender Total War v0.83 - Mod DB" target="_blank">The Last Airbender Total War v0.83</a>


Steam instal instruction:

This is a new release, delete the previous version if you have it installed!

1) double click the downloaded zip and extract the download to '...\Steam\steamapps\common\Rome Total War Alexander\alexander\'

2) open properties in steam

3)go to start up settings (not sure if it is the exact name in english version of steam) and add the line:

'-mod:alexander/avatar -show_err'

DISC instal instruction:

1) Extract the download to '...\Rome Total War\alexander\'

2) make a shortcut to the alx.exe

3) open properties of the shortcut with left clicking the shortcut

4) In the target line enter after what is already written:

-mod:alexander/avatar -show_err

There is now also an included bat file in the modfolder to make starting up the mod easier for those that prefer it that way!

known issue when your game crashes at start up after installation:

-You extracted it in the wrong way which means you get:

../rome total war/alexander/avatar_v0.83/avatar


../rome total war/avatar

instead of:

../rome total war/alexander/avatar

The Future:
Recently Rome Total War Remastered has been announced, for now nothing is sure but I will try to port the mod and see if it is possible. If it is I will ofcourse release a new updated version for it.



-Fixed balancing of economy
-Fixed several typos
-Fixed buildings names to better reflect the Avatar Universe (for example temple names etc.)
-Fixed building pictures NWC
-Added new traits and ancils with new pictures
-Added portraits for children, wives, diplomats etc.
-Fixed unmountable Fire Nation Capital Walls
-Fixed unaging heroes
-Fixed lighting issues in Omashu
-Increased texture fidelity of many water tribe building textures
-Increased quality of background video
-Added new battlemaps based on the campaign map
-Decreased the effectiveness of all bender projectiles
-Added models for rebel leaders on battle map and strat map
-Added new rebels for water tribe and fire nation regions
-Added special rebel groups that appear in the Earth Kingdom when succesfully revolting, for example: Kyoshi rebellion in Kyoshi with Kyoshi units
-Added recources on the map
-Added new buildings tied to recources for more income (lumber mill, grainmill, si wong caravan, hunter lodge, tanner workshop, silk trader)
-Added new buildings for more public order (statues, tea house)
-Temples are now much more useful with additional boses to public order, training units etc.
-Added new East Asian inspired building icons for new buildings
-Added new ground textures based on LOTRTW's textures
-Fixed UVW problem of diplomat model
-Fixed general unit type spamming Generals
-Fixed crashes when charching with Aang or Katara
-Fixed hieghts of characters on the campaign map
-Fixed some lighting issues on ground textures
-Fixed some lighting issues in NWT settlement as well as adding new ground textures
-Added new units:
water scouts
water mounted warband
earth outriders
merc swordsmen
merc cavalry
merc marksmen
merc spearmen
beifong guards
-Added mercs on the campaign map
-Added new heroe models:
Suki (strat)
-Added several new names
-Added region: Zoufu
-Improved many of the mountain regions, as well as minor corrections to positioning of armies, regions held initially, winning conditions etc.
-New selection screen
-New starting positions
-Fixed banners on walls

KurdishNomad - making the mod (unit models & textures, battlemap models & textures, strat models & textures, campaign map, ui, banners, bending animations etc.), parts of main menu
Hector - Helping with the implementation of vegetation on the battle map and parts of the menu UI
Dagovax - Helping with the implementation of bending animations and adding sound effects as well as creating many useful scripts and plugins to speed up various modding tasks
Drtad - collection of quotes, testing and feedback
Kashyyyk - descriptions of campaigns, diplomacy, units and events, testing and feedback
Wlesmana and LOTRTW team - base of the animations pack like two handed sword/spear unit animations. Use of ground textures as a base for new ATLA style ground textures
Velserin - Making a batch file to more easily start up the mod, making icon, making additional loading screens, testing and feedback
Trio - Testing and feedback
Lanjane - Testing and feedback
Greg Bugatti - Testing and feedback
Loqa - Testing and feedback
Many toolmakers such as Vercingetorix, Redfox, Dagovax- Providing tools to make many aspects of modding possible
RTW modding community - Aiding me in the termination of many errors and hurdles.