Evermore: The Theme Park That Wasn't

Started by Jubal, November 08, 2022, 12:02:01 PM

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I can't say I watched every minute of this video, it's four hours long for goodness' sake, but I did find some bits of it very funny. It's a deep-dive into the many, many failings of the Utahn theme park Evermore, which aimed to be a live-action actor interaction driven game-fantasy-themepark experience and is... not necessarily achieving its lofty goals, to put it very gently.

Also part of me wants to open a theme park now, if only because the success bar in my head has just plummeted dramatically.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Not sure if I will watch the four-hour video, but if you like scams and mismanaged businesses a lot are collapsing in the cryptocurrency space https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/ or https://amycastor.com/blog/

There are weird overlaps with other groups of terrible people who are big online and small offline: apparently Sam Bankman-Fried whose cryptocurrency exchange just collapsed was being boosted by some of the Effective Altruists, who seem mostly well-meaning (lots of charities are better at paying their staffers than helping the people they claim to help) but have a big overlap with the Rationalist movement, which contains a number of 'independent thinkers' whose independent conclusions include 'maybe blacks and women are just inferior to whites and men, you know, scientifically speaking' or 'I bet I am so smart I can revolutionize medicine just by being smart and borrowing startup funds from Peter "female suffrage is incompatible with freedom" Thiel'  There are communities of clever and educated but foolish and naive people in California and New York City whom con artists and bigots prey upon.

Edit: and the 'race scientists' in rationalist spaces are connected to US Old Media figures such as Steven Pinker, Gregory Clark the economist, or Nicholas Wade the journalist who are sympathetic but don't say things as bluntly as the Ste ve Sai lers on the Internet (name broken up because he ego-searches himself, but he is a textbook example of someone  big on the Internet and tiny in real life).

Edit: the Americans who are angry at the effective altruists seem to be aiming at not the classic sort who wants mosquito nets for the tropics or cash gifts to the very poor, but a new wing who want donor money for speculative risks such as "what if there was an even worse pandemic?" or "what if we invent Skynet?"  So its another case of a successful movement attracting gifters with a line of patter who want a share of its resources.  And the We Charity in Canada is a good example of how a charity can spend lots of money and collect lots of money and do very little for the people it claims to help.