Lackadaisy Animated

Started by dubsartur, April 04, 2023, 06:20:34 AM

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Webcomic Lackadaisy released a one-episode animated version (have you noticed that webcomics often don't have links to other comics on other sites any more?)


Interesting! Yes, I've not seen many comics try a full jump into animation, though I've known some try and incorporate effectively animated panels. I tried doing semi-animated sections back when I was releasing episodes of Forgefyre, but that project petered out a bit. I guess Homestuck is a classic for animations in-comic as well, a lot of their biggest moments like Cascade switched to full animation.

And yes, I think a lot of the old circles for these things have broken up a bit (and indeed I think it's harder to launch new webcomics than it used to be, by far). Checking my usual comics Gunnerkrigg Court doesn't really have an obvious links section, nor does OOTS (which used to have some collaboration with Erfworld before they shut down permanently and pulled all their content from the web). Girl Genius on the other hand does have a ring of other comics at the bottom which seems to be a connection to other comics connected to Hiveworks, which seems to be an independent service provide for professional and semi-professional indie comics, I've not really noticed it previously.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I think the people with sexy comics have a service called slipshine.  David M. Willis of Dumbing of Age sometimes links there.

Is DeviantArt still a thing?

Freefall and The Whiteboard do not have the traditional half dozen links to other webcomics

Remember the classic animated Tintin from the 1990s?


I think DA is still a thing, haven't looked at my account there in years - IIRC there was some controversy fairly recently over whether their ToS was going to allow data-scraping for digital art generation models?
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Oh yeah, that sounds familiar!  I had a memory that some cartoonists hung out there along with the photographers and the digital painters.