Poll - Favorite Faction? [version 0.1]

Started by Dimos, October 14, 2009, 08:54:40 PM

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Which faction is your favourite/ beloved one?  :P

Post comments, as well !  :ball:

[One vote per user... Think before you vote! ]

Note: I've just voted... Jubal's working on some new scripts for me right now, so we will have 21 factions in total... Hope you will enjoy our new stuff once released... I will have to work on each troop personally again, so as to give you a amore thrilling feeling...

Thank you all
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold


Here is a big proof  that no-ones palys this game! Only 3 voters, 2 months later!
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold

Silver Wolf

So what ? I've started my modeling thread in April and got only 3 votes since then ...
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


That simply means, no on likes my work, mate! That means they don't play and they don't care! Anyways... that is better than TaleWorlds, where each troll can tell you ''you are not good'' ''you are a bad modder'' ''your mod is bad''   :ninja:

Anyways... Thanks for supporting that, my noble ALLY !  ;)

:P  Cheeeeeeeeeeeersss
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold


i like the game(seems good) bout i can not download it where can i??


Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold


it is realy annoying i dowloaded all the tree versions and i cant find the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!where is it???all the tree file have menay things but not an icon for the game where is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Mr Jubal, can you make the forum recognize ethnic Greek letters??? So as not to use more ''Greek-lish'' ??

To deytero kalytera.

Molis to katevaseis emfanizetai stin epifaneia ergasias se ZIP/ RAR morfi. Anoigeis to RAR, patas ''extract withough confirmation'' kai emfanizetai enas fakelos pou legetai ''Dimos Europe 1080 0,25'' .

Patas amesos meta deksi klik sto eikonidio tou mount and blade kai patas ''anoigma thesis arxeiou'' . Anoigeis to fakelo ''modules'' kai ekei mesa serneis to fakelo pou exeis stin epifaneia ergasias kai legetai ''Dimos Europe 1080 0.25'' . oxi mesa sto native! Mesa sto fakelo, kato apo to native.

Meta molis ksekinas to game sou leei ''current module'' pano pano . ekei tha leei tora ''native'' . esy vazeis -patontas to diplano velaki- to ''Dimos Europe 1080 0.25'' san epilogi pou tha emfanistei kai eisai etoimos na paikseis...

Patas play kai ksekinas!!!

Eimai sigouros pos tha ta katafereis an akolouthiseis tis odigies mou kai exeis egatestimeni tin egdosi 1.010 / 1.011 tou mount&blade ston ypologisti sou.

Steile m se pm kai to e-mail sou, eidika an exeis windows live messenger na ta poume kai apo ekei kai na sou lyso oti aporia exeis epi tou thematos...

Apo poio meros tis Elladas eisai file mou?

Sorry for using Greek here. Just to help our friend Komninos understand how to install the game. Cheers!!!

Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold


Serres.katebasa ton fakelo alla den bghke oyte to rar oute to ikonidio mount and blade mono kati fakeloi....


we will speak via pm. ok? since we get off-topic here.

EDIT: Sounds like you are in the wrong game boards...
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold