Spoil a wish

Started by Jubal, July 09, 2008, 08:33:14 PM

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You get a helmet with a glden lining and you polish it to perfection,but *oh no's* it shines so much you blind a helecopter pilot and he squiges you.

I wish it would stop raining so much
CN2's song of the decade? - Heavy glow - Hot mess


It stops raining altogether so nobody can grow food and we all starve to death

I wish that my nose would stop bleeding


It stops bleeding but the blood has nowhere to go so you explode from to much blood,lovely :D                                                      

I wissth I didnth havth a lispth.
CN2's song of the decade? - Heavy glow - Hot mess


You lose what defines you and have to go though a dull life of regularism making you depresses so you commit suicide

I shall postpone my wish till I'm back from the dentist


I wish my mum wouldn't care about my overbite so much. There are no medical implications and I don't want both my jaws broken for the sake of appearance


You dont have whatever you were going to do and everyone screams at how ugly your overbite is and faints when the see it.

I wish these wishes came true.
CN2's song of the decade? - Heavy glow - Hot mess


they do but their runinations also happen, so the world ends (many time over) we all die, you finally pass your driving test and cause the horrific crash, etc etc

I wish I was a ninja :ph43r: (for want of a better wish)


All of a sudden after you become a ninja,hunting ninjas becomes legal to replace fox hunting and you are mercilessly hunted down and killed.

I wish the ivy around my house didnt grow so quick.
CN2's song of the decade? - Heavy glow - Hot mess

Private Clark

The ivy disapears completly, however the next night there is a fire and your door is blocked, the only way out is out the window and down the ivy, however: Oh Noes! its not there any more!

I wish i knew what firedog was (see ad below post box)


you later returm to this topic to see if firedogs dtill there
firedog has been replaced with the mother of all broadband and you never find out who or what firedog is

I wish i was the worlds greatest painter!!
Tis but a scratch...


you become as better than Van Gough but madder as him as well so you cut both your ears off

I wish my cat hadn't woken me up at 5am


You go back in time to stop your cat waking you up, but in doing so cause a paradox in the space-time continuum and the entire world is torn apart.

I wish I didn't have to sort out my forms for Uni
Du bist kein Schmetterling! Du bist nur eine kleine Raupe in Verkleidung!


you don't and you don't get in
(where are you going)
I wish that Leicester would hurry up in telling me what accommodation I am in


You put to much pressure on them to hurry up and they do but in being hurried they didnt relise they gave you the worst room in the whole place and with the worst roommate to top.

I wish christmas was on the Exilian Calendar.
CN2's song of the decade? - Heavy glow - Hot mess


we then get massive amounts of hate mail from religious groups because their holidays aren't on it, then some extremists come and kill us

I wish for good rolls on my upcoming 40k battle