Ban the person above you

Started by Jubal, July 09, 2008, 08:35:00 PM

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banned for being a short arse
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo


Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

Banned for being a "james may's favourite word"


banned for looking like james may

P.S at least i have one
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

Banned for being a mini george bush! :lol:


banned for being a mini gordon brown
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

Private Clark

banned because this is becoming a nice little duel.


banned for interfering with our duel
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

Banned for not banning me!


banned for having a warhammer army in which WS 6 is rare
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

Jubal-Banned for making us argue.
Drippy banned for being a donkey.


Jubal banned for being Jubal

VS banned for being a newt
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

Banned for being more hairy than me! :zegun: