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Messages - Vrosivs Avgvstvs Rakvs

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Organisation and Coordination / Team Meetings
« on: November 05, 2016, 07:05:21 PM »
Hey guys!
Regarding the team meetings, which I think we really should do, what would be your preferred platform?
Off the top of my head I can think of either Skype or Discord, the latter has an option of creating chat rooms as far as I know, and we could chat in both written and spoken form, which is great.
Please answer as soon as possible, so we can start agreeing on a time and date for the meetings. I think it's reasonable to have (at least) one meeting weekly, and it shouldn't take more than 30-60 minutes of your time, so I really think it's not much. :)

The Thermopolium - Communication & Chat / Re: The Bacchanalia Thread
« on: November 05, 2016, 07:01:12 PM »
Hang in there, man! Glad you spent a quality time away from work, we all need it! :)
Fingers crossed for the development program, I hope you get the promotion!

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Player formations
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:36:10 PM »
Well since there's 2 more slots free, why not keep it just in case, until or if we find another one?

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Player formations
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:15:35 PM »
The question is: is it useful to the player? I want to add more basic formations that are directly usefull to the player, like an echelon formation which is very useful to perform the obilque order tactic. Any formation slot should be used for a formation that offers a tactical advantage to the player, otherwise the player (at least me) won't use it and as a result it's a wasted formation slot.

I consider it a must when I play Romans or other factions with skirmisher melees. It really is effective when you have such a roster.

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Player formations
« on: November 02, 2016, 07:42:40 PM »
I can't remember what the default Roman one from RTRPE is called, the checkerboard one, but that one should deffo be present too :)

aye, not many are eager for it :D

The Thermopolium - Communication & Chat / Re: The Bacchanalia Thread
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:23:14 AM »
Oh man, ahowl, asking me what's my favorite RHCP song is like asking me which small part of my favorite chocolate I like the most, haha :D
I love 'em all, but if I'd have to make a top 5, it'd probably be something like Under the Bridge, BSSM, Meet Me at the Corner, Venice Queen, Knock Me Down. I've actually played some of their songs live with my previous bands and such  :)
And take some rest. If your apartment needs cleaning and you don't have the energy/time, do it over a few days, room by room, don't overdo it, you need the energy.

Jubal, best of luck in your business endeavors, I hope all works out the best :D

We need at least 2-3 people out there who have enough time to help us spread the word.

Aye. As I said, I've got exilian and TWC covered, I can probably cover twitter too, but I would need help with other websites. I hope xeofox can help with VK, since my Russian isn't great, sadly.

Organisation and Coordination / Re: Boosting activity and comradery
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:14:48 AM »
We already have Slack, and slack is cool because it's hooked up to our GIT. That means every time we have a push, you get notified. I like it a lot because I have it on my phone too. So I can be out of town or just afk, and be able to know what exactly is going on.

Also, we do need someone who is willing to give weekly news to the masses on these sites:

-Russian Forums
-Chinese forums
-Anything else I have not listed
I think if we get 2-3 people who are willing to do this then we will be getting more traffic.

is there a windows mobile version of the Slack app?
I've got Exilian and TWC covered, I would just need someone to forward my updates to other media sites. Maybe xeofox can help with VK, since my Russian isn't great at all? :D

The Thermopolium - Communication & Chat / Re: The Bacchanalia Thread
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:16:00 PM »
Fingers crossed all goes well, xeofox! Also, I'm interested in some photos definitely :D
And god damn, another RHCP fan, niiiiice, I've been listening to them since I was a kid, one of my favorite bands :D

Organisation and Coordination / Re: Boosting activity and comradery
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:13:37 PM »
I think regular meetings for these sorts of projects can be good. Personally I tend to struggle if things are on anywhere other than twitter, FB, or Exilian, but that's just because I'm really stretched between different projects all the time. Give me a shout if there's anything I can help with at the Exilian end anyhow. :)
Well, I could write up a summary of every meeting and post it here, so everyone can follow up on everything and remind themselves of things discussed if needed :D
And thanks!

Also, xeofox, I'm glad you support this idea, I really think this would boost things up :)

Thank you a lot, Jubal! I will make sure to pass over our announcements to you :)
But still, a RTR-dedicated PR is needed for social media coverage, as we already have some groups and pages out there, but they need re-activating and reviving

If anyone would want to help with PR stuff on social media, you're more than welcome! :)
I got the forums covered, as well as drafting announcements and such, but some help regarding social media would be great. Not too much, just checking out feedback and forwarding announcements that I draft :)

Rome - Total Realism / A friendly reminder to all RTR members
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:41:52 PM »
Now that we have the Thermopolium and Organization subforums, it would be great for all members to frequent them more, as well as open their comms threads (those that didn't do that yet, that is). In order to have a more efficient and transparent work environment, I really think that we should start using those subforums more. :)
Also, make sure to check this topic and share your input, thanks

EDIT: Typos

Organisation and Coordination / Boosting activity and comradery
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:37:11 PM »
Guys, we should really try to boost our activity as well as spend more time chatting about stuff. I proposed to ahowl that we make a chatroom on discord or wherever and gather once a week to discuss agendas as well as other things both mod-wise and offtopic-wise. It would be great to hang out and discuss stuff real time. What do you guys think, would you like that?
Also, if anyone has any other ideas, please, feel free to share :)

EDIT: typos

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