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Messages - idibil

mmmm = done

More roundshields with "celtic" (pictish/gaelic/brittonic) designs - both flat and dished, small, medium and large
Scale armor (various types)
More female clothing
Pictish hood

Frankish axehammer
Frankish battelaxe
Cavalry axehammer
Saxon spear
Saxon javelin
Saxon medium roundshield
Large roundshield with metal fittings
More variants of Pictish, Gaelic and Britons dress (and some with cloaks or gathered cloaks)
Gathered cloaks
Horn helmet alternatives
Padded and leather variants (some with gathered cloaks)
Gaelic helmets
Coppergate/bernician alternatives
Mercian/wollaston alternatives
Briton helmets alternatives
Vendel 14 helmet
Cleric garnments

Long bladed spear
Gaelic large sword
Gaelic champion sword
Plain rectangular shield
Worn/rusty scale armor (just need texturing)
Valsgarde VI helmet

Frankish tunic
Frankish inlayed axe
Fur jacket
Leather armor
Leather over mail armor
Valsgarde V helmet
Ultuna helmet
Peasant woman/refugee
Farming tools, knives as weapons.
Poor clothing.

Camp woman
Axes, knives, slings and cudgels as weapons.
Poor clothing.

Camp follower
Axes, cudgels, few spears, huntings bows, slings, seax.
Medium clothing.

Soldier's wife
Axes, spears, huntings bows, slings, seax, javelins.
Medium clothing.
A few with shields.

Camp defender
1st weapon: spear, short spear or none
2nd weapon: axe, scian, sax
Throwing weapon: hunting bow, javelins
Shield: medium flat round shield
Headgear: none
Body: male garnment, padded armor, leather armor, fur
Legs: gaiters, legwraps

Needed for women:
- gaiters
- women shoes
- poor female tunics
- medium female tunics
- male tunics fitted to female
- male padded, leather, fur fitted to female
- slings
- veils.

Young warrior/slave hunters
Only a few notes needed.
I would suggest more variation in equipment.
The Slave driver should go with simple tunic, and possibly a sax or axe as secondary weapon.
The Slave hunter shouldn't get mail armor, but simple padded/leather jerkin/fur armor.
The Veteran Slave hunter should have a sword if he has mail. Same for the Slave hunter chief.
Remove also splinter leathers greaves as footwear.

There is a good deal of color issues for garnments, especially legwraps. Red ones should be for elite only, replace them with off-white, grey or brown ones for low ranking troops.

1. 1st weapon: cudgel, knife, axe
2. 2nd weapon: none
3. Throwing weapon: stones, sling
4. Shield: none
5. Headgear: barehead for most, phrygian hats
6. Body: tunics
7. Legs: shoes, legwraps

- sling

1. 1st weapon: cudgel, axe, knife, sickle, staff, wooden fork
2. 2nd weapon: none
3. Throwing weapon: stones, slings
4. Shield: none
5. Headgear: none for most, hoods, phrygian hats
6. Body: tunics, short tunics
7. Legs: barelegs, poor legwraps, shoes

- donkey

- sling
- wooden fork.

Notes: no red legwraps, no red hoods, no javelins.
Add shoes in footwear selection.

Notes: remove pick, add axe and sax for weapon selection.

- add more selection for shields
- add axe and sax as secondary weapon
- remove red legwraps
- remove bicolor hoods
- no helmet

1. 1st weapon: spear
2. 2nd weapon: axe, sax
3. Throwing weapon: javelins
4. Shield: medium flat round shield
5. Headgear: barehead
6. Body: wealthier tunic, padded and leather armor
7. Legs: shoes, gaiters, legwraps.

- gaiters.

1. 1st weapon: spear
2. 2nd weapon: sword
3. Throwing weapon: javelins
4. Shield: medium flat or lenticular round shield
5. Headgear: barehead, frankish helmet, briton helmet, wollaston helmet, bowl helmet
6. Body: wealthy tunic, padded, damaged mail, damaged scale
7. Legs: gaiters, legwraps.

- pannonian hat
- splinted leather.

- more variety for briton and wollaston helmets
- metal bowl helmet
- more shield variety
- gaiters.

1. 1st weapon: spear
2. 2nd weapon: sax, scian, axe
3. Throwing weapon: javelins
4. Shield: flat round shield
5. Headgear: barehead, bowl helmet, bowl leather helmet, phrygian hat
6. Body: tunic, padded, leather
7. Legs: shoes, legwraps, gaiters.

- scian
- bowl helmet
- bowl leather helmet
- gaiters.

- helmet with neckguard.

Veteran warrior
1. 1st weapon: spear or none
2. 2nd weapon: sword
3. Throwing weapon: javelins
4. Shield: lenticular or flat round shield
5. Headgear: barehead, frankish helmet, briton helmet, wollaston helmet, bowl helmet
6. Body: wealthier tunic, padded, old mail, old scale armor
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters.

Final step for this phase, the Anglo-saxons. As units are basically the same from one to another subculture, my equipment list will stay so. Of course, feel free to put different items (colors, etc.) for each subculture.
Only difference will be for the elite, and more specially their armor. The best would have been to difference "southern anglo-saxon" (all Saxons, Jutes), showing a good deal of frankish influence ; the "northern anglo-saxon" (Mercians, Lindsey, Northumbrians) more classic with more brittonic equipment, and the "eastern" ones, East Anglia only, with Scandinavian (Dena) equipment.
Tell me if this is possible, or if this alter too much the trees.

I also had some troubles to figure out the exact characteristics of the Beadu rinc and a few others. This is reflected by their armour class, and first/second weapons.


1. 1st weapon: wooden fork, knife, sickle, staff, cudgels, axes
2. 2nd weapon: none
3. Throwing weapon: stones, slings
4. Shield: none
5. Headgear: barehead or phrygian hat
6. Body: tunics
7. Legs: barelegs, poor legwraps, gaiters.

To remove:
- orange legwraps (too rich for them)
- hoods
- no purple phrygian hat (very rich color)

- wooden fork
- gaiters
- sling.

1. 1st weapon: spear or none
2. 2nd weapon: axe, cudgel, sax
3. Throwing weapon: wooden javelins, slings
4. Shield: none or plank shield, small round shields
5. Headgear: none or phrygian hat
6. Body: tunics, some with fur
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters

- wooden javelins
- gaiters
- slings.

Young warriors.
1. 1st weapon: spear
2. 2nd weapon: sax, axe
3. Throwing weapon: javelins (2-3)
4. Shield: flat round shield
5. Headgear: barehead or phrygian hat
6. Body: tunic, fur
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters

To remove:
- no gaelic helmet (the bronze one)
- no gloves
- no red legwraps (too rich).

- gaiters.

1. 1st weapon: spear
2. 2nd weapon: sax, longsax, axe
3. Throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins, throwing spears
4. Shield: flat round shield, lenticular shield
5. Headgear: barehead, phrygian hats, bowl leather helmet, metal bowl helmet for few
6. Body: medium-wealth tunic, padded, leather, fur
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters

To remove:
- mail
- greaves.

Veteran spearmen.
1. 1st weapon: spear
2. 2nd weapon: sword, langsax, frankish axehammer
3. Throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins, 1-2 angons or throwing spears
4. Shield: lenticular large round shield
5. Headgear: barehead, frankish helmet, bowl helmet, briton helmet, wollaston helmet, frisian helmet, horn helmet, boar helmet
6. Body: tunic, padded, leather, old mail, kaftan
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters.

- get back in the horn helmet: it's good, maybe needs only some retexturing, but its only for anglo-saxons

Jutish variant - more frankish helmets, no briton helmet, franciscas as throwing weapon

Angle variant - no frankish axehammer, no frankish helmets, Angle helmet (coppergate) instead, no frisian helmet.

1. 1st weapon: knife, sax, axe, cudgel
2. 2nd weapon: none
3. Throwing weapon: bows, longbows
4. Shield: none
5. Headgear: hoods, barehead, phrygian hats
6. Body: tunics
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters

To remove:
- javelins

- gaiters.

Light warrior.
1. 1st weapon: spear or none
2. 2nd weapon: axe, sax, langsax
3. Throwing weapon: javelins
4. Shield: medium or large round shield
5. Headgear: barehead, phrygian hats
6. Body: tunic, fur, padded, leather
7. Legs: barelegs, shoes, legwraps, gaiters

To remove:
- simple helmet (only for Gaels, rename it Gaelic helmet)

- gaiters
- medium round saxon shields.

Justish variant - add fransiscas to throw

Beadu rinc
Veteran skirmisher.
1. 1st weapon: spear or none
2. 2nd weapon: sword, langsax, axehammer
3. Throwing weapon: javelins, angons, throwing spears
4. Shield: medium or flat round shield
5. Headgear: bowl helmet, horn helmet, barehead, frisian helmet, frankish helmet
6. Body: tunic, padded, leather, fur, kaftan
7. Legs: shoes, gaiters, legwraps

To remove:
- no greaves
- no pannonian

- more kaftan (rename it to warrior jacket)
- angons
- get back horn helmet.

Jutish variant - more frankish helmets, franciscas as throwing weapon

Angle variant - no frankish axehammer, no frankish helmets

Anglo-saxon cavalry.
1. 1st weapon: spear, frankish axehammer
2. 2nd weapon: sword
3. Throwing weapon: angons, javelins
4. Shield: lenticular or flat round shield
5. Headgear: horn helmet, frankish helmet, briton helmet, wollaston helmet, frisian helmet, bowl helmet, barehead
6. Body: kaftan, mail
7. Legs: legwraps, gaiters, greaves, splinted greaves.

- splinted greaves (from native)
- more kaftan.

Jutish variant - more frankish helmets, no briton helmet, franciscas as throwing weapon, lamellar as amor (and possibly lamellar over kaftan)

Angle variant - no frankish helmets, Angle helmet (coppergate) instead, no frisian helmet.

Elite anglo-saxon warrior.
1. 1st weapon: spear or none
2. 2nd weapon: sword (sax as 3rd weapon for some)
3. Throwing weapon: javelins, angons, throwing spears
4. Shield: lenticular large round shield
5. Headgear: horn helmet, frankish helmet, briton helmet, wollaston helmet
6. Body: mail, kaftan
7. Legs: greaves, legwraps, gaiters, splinted greaves

- more kaftan
- angons
- gaiters.

Jutish variant - more frankish helmets, no briton helmet, franciscas as throwing weapon, lamellar as amor (and possibly lamellar over kaftan)

Angle variant - no frankish helmets, Angle helmet (coppergate) instead, no frisian helmet.

That's it.

To sum up a few points:
- quite generic categories instead of precise object names
- adapt garnments relaiting to wealth
- lower frequence of mail armor, helmets and swords
- I forgot to add cloaks over mail, over tunics, etc.

Now I'm done on this I'll look at current objects to see what needs reworking, what needs new name, what needs to be removed, and of course what is needed for new items, with a priority list.

I'll also have a look at settlements, titles and characters.
This is the copies of the messages I sent to Idibil to rework unit equipment, hence some "side notes" here and there.


Unit Names to be changed:
- Varchogyon to Marchoc (simpler, very common word to mean horseman in brittonic languages)
- Gosgordd to Cadwr (Gosgordd means 'army' while Cadwr means 'warrior').

I won't list every object, but object types instead... Like mail armor stands also for byrnie, lorica hamata, etc.

Basic levy.
- 1st weapon: tools, wood axe, handaxe, knife, sickle, clubs (one or two handed), staff, forks (not metal, full wooden)...
- remove herdsmen staff
- 2nd weapon: sling (from SoT), stones
- no shield
- head: barehead, hoods, phrygian hats (most barehead)
- body: simple tunics (current are good)
- legs: barelegs, shoes with barelegs, simple legwraps
- remove red legwraps.

- more variety of clubs (from SoT, some could be two handed)
- wooden fork instead of metal fork
- slings (from SoT).

Very basic infantry.
- 1st weapon: basic spear, club, cudgel or axe
- 2nd weapon: knife, club
- throwing weapon: stones, sling, wooden javelins
- shield: basic flat round shield, no metal boss, or no shield
- body: simple tunics
- head: hood, phrygian, barehead (most barehead)
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)

- gaiters
- wooden javelins
- slings (from SoT)
- shield with wooden boss, medium and large sizes.

Rank-and-file infantry.
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: knife, sax, scian (to add), axe, cudgel
- throwing weapon: javelins (2-3)
- shield: medium or large flat round shield
- body: tunics, leather jerkin, basic padded armor (most with tunics)
- head: hood, phrygian, barehead (most barehead)
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)

- gaiters
- scian.

Rank-and-file infantry.
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: knife, sax, scian (to add), axe, cudgel
- throwing weapon: javelins (2-3)
- shield: medium or large flat round shield
- body: tunics, leather jerkin, basic padded armor (most with tunics)
- head: hood, phrygian, barehead (most barehead), leather cap, headwrap
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)
- remove horn helmet
- remove splinted leather

- gaiters
- scian (irish long knife).

Cadwr - ex Gosgordd
Heavier infantry.
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: sax, scian , axe, short sword, basic swords
- throwing weapon: javelins (2-3)
- shield: medium or large flat round shield, medium or large lenticular shield
- body: tunics, leather jerkin, padded armor, basic mail and scale armor
- head: barehead, leather cap, leather helmet, bowl helmets (from SoT), leather bowl helmet (needed), frankish helmet, briton helmet, headwrap
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)
- gauntlets or not

- gaiters
- scian (irish long knife)
- short swords
- basic scale armor
- leather bowl helmet
- bowl helmets (from SoT).

If you wish we can have another level of infantry here, the campgur or champion, with a tad better equipment (and then avoid swords, mail and big metal helmets for the cadwr).
The frankish helmet is your metal helmet, or spangenhelm. I guess you should restrict it to Britons, Jutes and Saxons, as it have a continental origin. Hence this better name.

Marchoc - ex Varchoguyon
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: axe, swords
- throwing weapon: javelins (bag on horse)
- shield: flat round shield, lenticular shield
- body: wealthy tunics, leather jerkin, padded armor, basic mail and scale armor
- head: barehead, bowl helmets (from SoT), frankish helmet, briton helmet, boar helmet (Wollaston)
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)

- gaiters
- javelin bags on horse saddle
- basic scale armor
- maybe more variation in Briton helmets
- maybe more variation of medium size helmet, both flat and lenticular.

Elite cavalry.
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: swords
- throwing weapon: javelins (bag on horse)
- shield: flat round shield, lenticular shield
- body: mail and scale armor
- head: barehead, frankish helmet, briton helmet, boar helmet (Wollaston), dux helmet, metal bowl helmet
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add), ocrae
- gauntlets or not

- gaiters
- javelin bags on horse saddle
- scale armor
- bowl helmet (from SoT)
- maybe more variation in Briton helmets
- maybe more variation of medium size helmet, both flat and lenticular.

- ocrae are leg armor, known as "carbatinae with leg plates" or something like this... Which is weird, as you buy them for the leg armor, not the shoes!

Skirmishing infantry (I guess).
- melee weapon: knife, sax, scian, axe, short spear, short sword
- throwing weapon: javelins (bag), slings
- shield: flat round shield, small to medium size
- body: tunic (for most), padded armor, leather jerkin
- head: barehead (for most), leather cap, hood, bowl helmet (for few), leather bowl helmet
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)

- scian
- short sword
- slings
- gaiters.

Elite skirmishing infantry (I guess).
- melee weapon: sword, short sword axe +/- short spear
- throwing weapon: javelins (bag)
- shield: flat round shield, small to medium size, small to medium size lenticular shield
- body: wealthy tunic, padded armor, leather jerkin, mail or scale armor
- head: barehead, leather cap, bowl helmet, leather helmets, frankish helmets, briton helmets
- legs: barelegs with shoes, legwraps with shoes, gaiters (to add)

- maybe more shield variety
- maybe more briton helmets
- scale.

- 1st weapon: tools, wood axe, handaxe, knife, clubs (one or two handed), staff,...
- 2nd weapon: basic bow
- no shield
- head: barehead, hoods, (most barehead)
- body: simple tunics
- legs: barelegs, shoes with barelegs, simple legwraps

- 1st weapon: axe, scian, sax
- 2nd weapon: strongbow, longbow, crossbow
- no shield
- head: barehead, hoods, (most barehead), leather bowl helmet, leather helmets
- body: simple tunics, basic padded armor, leather jerkin
- legs: barelegs, shoes with barelegs, legwraps, gaiters.

- gaiters
- scian.

The pictish crossbow should be renamed to crossbow. The crossbow nuts and the bolt heads known from the period were found at Buistan crannog, which was in Aeron, today Ayrshire, an area between Alt Cluit and Rheged, so it's likely Britons used crossbows aswell.

Generally speaking, I suggest to add more variety of tunics, shields, swords, legwraps and other pieces of equipment among one type of unit. I did not details cloaks. I think that excepts for levies, variations of tunics or armor with cloaks are excellent. You can also have cloaks wrapped around the torso as protection.

A few notes:
- fur armor can go in the same category than padded armor, to add more variety
- padded armors can perhaps get some more variation with cloaks or wrapped cloaks
- gauntlets can be used on all elite units (those with mail), but only made of leather
- of course when new objects will be ready and in I'll tell you which units can get those.

Now, Gaels.

Gaelic peasant.

- 1st weapon: tools, wooden fork, handaxe, cudgels & clubs, sickle, knife, staff...
- 2nd weapon: none
- throwing weapon: stones, slings
- shield: no
- headgear: barehead for most, hood for a few
- body: short tunic with breeches
- legs: barelegs, shoes.

- sling (from SoT)
- wooden fork
- more variety in short tunic (reaching the mid-thigh) with knee-lenght breeches.

Gaelic levies.
- 1st weapon: short spear, axe, scian, cudgel
- 2nd weapon: knife, cudgel
- throwing weapon: wooden javelins, slings, stones, darts
- shield: none, or small round shield, with or without iron metal boss, rectangular shield with wooden boss
- headgear: barehead for most, hood, headwrap
- body: short gaelic tunic, ionar
- legs: shoes or barelegs

- scian
- wooden javelins
- darts
- sling
- rectangular shield with wooden boss
- plain small round shield
- ionar jacket
- more variety in short tunics.

Skirmisher warrior?
- 1st weapon: short spear, axe, better cudgel, scian, sax
- 2nd weapon:
- throwing weapon: javelin bag, darts, slings
- shield: small round shield, square shield, rectangular shield, medium round shield
- headgear: most barehead, headwrap, few leather helmets, few leather bowl helmets
- body: knee-lenght tunics or short tunics for most, ionar jacket, few with leather, fur, padded armor
- legs: shoes or gaiters

- scian
- sling
- darts
- leather bowl helmet
- more variety in gaelic tunics
- gaiters.

Retainers with javelins and melee weapons.
- 1st weapon: short spear, short sword, axes, gaelic swords
- 2nd weapon: sax, scian, short sword
- throwing weapon: javelin bag
- shield: rectangular shield, gaelic shield, square shield, medium-sized shield both flat and lenticular
- headgear: barehead, leather helmets, bowl helmets, leather bowl helmets
- body: wealthy gaelic tunics (knee-lenght), worn mail, worn scale armor, padded armor, leather armor, chest plate
- legs: shoes or gaiters

- scian
- short swords
- gaelic swords
- bowl helmets (from SoT)
- leather bowl helmet
- more variety in gaelic tunic
- worn scale armor
- chest plate
- gaiters.

Gaelic cavalry.
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: gaelic swords, axes
- throwing weapon: javelins (bag on horse)
- shield: gaelic shield, medium round shield, both flat and lenticular, oval shield
- headgear: barehead, leather helmet, headwrap, bowl helmet
- body: wealthy tunics (knee-lenght), padded armor, leather armor, chest plate
- legs: shoes or gaiters.

- gaiters
- more gaelic tunics
- bowl helmet (from SoT)
- maybe more variety in shields
- gaelic swords
- chest plate

Gaelic elite cavalry.
- 1st weapon: spear
- 2nd weapon: gaelic sword, axes
- throwing weapon: javelins (bag on horse)
- shield: gaelic shield, medium round shield, both flat and lenticular, oval shield
- headgear: leather helmet, barehead, bowl metal helmet, gaelic helmet
- body: padded armor, scale armor, mail armor
- legs: gaiters or shoes

- scale armor (gaelic version)
- gaelic swords
- bowl helmet (from SoT)
- gaelic helmet (one in SoT)
- gaiters.

Gaelic archer.
- 1st weapon: ,handaxe, cudgels & clubs, knife, staff...
- 2nd weapon: none
- throwing weapon: basic bow
- shield: no
- headgear: barehead, hood
- body: short tunic with breeches
- legs: barelegs, shoes, gaiters.

- more variety in short tunics

Gaelic soldier.
- 1st weapon: spear, short spear
- 2nd weapon: knife, scian, cudgel, axe
- throwing weapon: javelins (2-3)
- shield: medium flat round shield, rectangular shield, oval shield
- headgear: barehead for most, hoods, headwrap
- body: short tunics, gaelic knee-lenght tunics, ionar
- legs: shoes, gaiters

- scian
- maybe more shield variety
- gaelic oval shield
- maybe more variety in tunics
- gaiters
- ionar (from SoT).

Gaelic veteran soldier?
- 1st weapon: spear, shortspear
- 2nd weapon: scian, axe, short sword
- throwing weapon: javelins (2-3)
- shield: medium flat round shield, rectangular shield, oval shield
- headgear: barehead, headwrap, bowl helmet, leather bowl helmet, leather helmets
- body: gaelic knee-lenght tunics, padded and leather armor
- legs: shoes, gaiters

- scian
- short swords
- leather bowl helmet
- bowl helmet (from SoT)
- more variety in tunics
- maybe more variety in padded armor for Gaels
- gaiters
- oval shield

Gaelic elite warriors.
- 1st weapon: spear, short spear
- 2nd weapon: short swords, gaelic swords, champion swords
- throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins
- shield: medium lenticular shield, square shield, rectangular shield, oval shield
- headgear: leather helmet, bowl helmet, gaelic helmets
- body: better padded armor, scale armor, mail armor
- legs: shoes.

- short swords
- gaelic swords
- champion swords
- maybe more variety in shields
- gaelic helmets
- scale armor.


Pictish peasant.
1. First weapon: handaxe, wood axe, sickle, knife, staff, cudgel, club, etc.
2. Second weapon: none
3. Throwing weapon: stones, slings
4. Shield: none
5. Headgear: barehead, pictish hoods
6. Body: barebreast (with breeches, no tatooes), short tunic, long tunic
7. Legs: barelegs, shoes, pants
Remove pick

- sling (SoT)
- pictish hoods

Pictish levy.
1. First weapon: short spear, cudgel, handaxe
2. Second weapon: none or knife
3. Throwing weapon: wooden javelins, stones, slings
4. Shield: none, small flat round shield, basic wooden shield, basic rectangular shield, basic square shield
5. Headgear: barehead, pictish hoods
6. Body: barebreast (with breeches, no tatooes), short tunic, long tunic
7. Legs: barelegs, shoes, pants

- sling
- wooden javelins
- scian
- pictish hood
- basic wooden shield
- basic rectangular and square shields (no metal boss, just wood and leather).

Before working out the others, Ill need you to shortly explain me each of them, as I don't understand well their purposes. What are supposed the main use of the Fuidir, Creach Sluagh, Buide and Dinbaer?

Rest of the Pictish units.
For the Picts, emphasis is on light units, with armor only for the last tiers (and still likely unarmored chaps among thoses). Lots of javelins, lots of spears.

Skirmisher spearmen.
1. 1st weapon: spear, short spear
2. 2nd weapon: axe, scian, sax, cudgels
3. Throwing weapon: javelins, slings
4. Shield: flat small or medium round shield, square shield, rectangular shield
5. Headgear: none for most or pictish hoods
6. Body: short tunic with breeches, tunic, a few barebreast
7. Legs: barelegs, shoes, pants.

- scian
- sling
- more shield variety
- pictish hoods.

Creach Sluagh
Rank-and-file spearmen.
1. 1st weapon: spear, pictish longspear (two handed)
2. 2nd weapon: scian, axe, sax, cudgels
3. Throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins or none
4. Shield: medium flat or lenticular shield, square shield, rectangular shield, H-shape shield
5. Headgear: barehead for most, pictish hoods
6. Body: tunics with or without cloaks, fur armor, padded armor, leather armor
7. Legs: pants, gaiters, shoes, barelegs, legwraps.

- scian
- pictish longspear
- pictish hoods
- pants
- more versions of padded armor
- more choice for tunics
- pictish hoods
- gaiters.

Elite spearmen.
1. 1st weapon: spear, longspear (two handed)
2. 2nd weapon: shortsword, scian, pictish sword
3. Throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins or none
4. Shield: medium lenticular shield, H-shaped shield
5. Headgear: barehead, pictish hoods, leather bowl helmets, leather helmets, bowl helmets
6. Body: rich tunic, cloaks, padded armor with cloak, few with scale or mail
7. Legs: shoes, gaiters, legwraps, pants

- scian
- shortswords
- more variety in shields?
- pictish hoods
- more padded armor
- leather bowl helmet
- bowl helmets (from SoT)
- gaiters.

Veteran warriors.
1. 1st weapon: short sword, pictish sword, axe
2. 2nd weapon: short spear, spear
3. Throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins
4. Shield: lenticular medium shield, H-shaped, rectangular or square shield
5. Headgear: none, bowl helmets, leather helmets, pictish hoods
6. Body: rich tunics, padded armor, leather armor
7. Legs: shoes, gaiters, legwraps, pants

- short swords
- pictish swords
- more variety in medium shields
- more variety in H-shaped shields
- bowl helmets (from SoT)
- pictish hoods
- more pictish padded armor
- more tunics
- gaiters.

1. 1st weapon: short sword, pictish swords
2. 2nd weapon:
3. Throwing weapon: 2-3 javelins
4. Shield: medium lenticular shields
5. Headgear: barehead, bowl helmets, gaelic helmets, briton helmets, wollaston/coppergate helmets
6. Body: padded with cloak, mail or scale
7. Legs: shoes, gaiters or legwraps, greaves

- short swords
- more choice in shields
- bowl helmets
- gaelic helmets
- more briton helmets
- different coppergate helmet
- scale armor
- gaiters.

1. 1st weapon: axe, cudgel, scian, sax
2. 2nd weapon: bow, crossbow
3. Throwing weapon: arrows or bolts
4. Shield: none
5. Headgear: barehead or pictish hoods
6. Body: short tunic, tunic
7. Legs: barelegs, shoes, pants

see Petta and Boaire

Each Raidh
1. 1st weapon: spears
2. 2nd weapon: pictish swords, axes
3. Throwing weapon: javelins (bag on saddle)
4. Shield: flat or lenticular medium round shield, square shield
5. Headgear: barehead
6. Body: wealthy tunics, padded
7. Legs: shoes, gaiters, legwraps

- pictish swords
- more choice in shields
- more choice in tunics
- gaiters.

Elite cavalry.
1. 1st weapon: spears
2. 2nd weapon: pictish swords, briton swords
3. Throwing weapon: javelins (bag on saddle)
4. Shield: lenticular medium round shield
5. Headgear: barehead, bowl helmet, briton helmet, coppergate helmet, wollaston helmet, gaelic helmet
6. Body: wealthy tunics, padded, mail, scale
7. Legs: shoes, legwraps, gaiters

- pictish swords
- more choice in shields
- bowl helmet
- briton helmet
- coppergate helmet
- gaelic helmet
- more choice in tunics
- scale
- gaiters.


Gaelic raiders.
1st weapon: short spear, spear
2nd weapon: scian, axe, cudgel, seax
Throwing weapon: javelins, slings
Shield: small round shields, medium round shields, square shields
Headgear: barehead for most, hoods
Body: short tunic, gaelic tunic, fur
Legs: barelegs, shoes.

- scian
- more square shields
- short tunic with breeches
- more gaelic tunics.

Mostly good, general comments.
1st weapon: remove pick, add more axes and cudgels
2nd weapon:
Throwing weapon: slings and stones
Headgear: barehead, hoods, phrygian hats
Legs: remove red legwraps, replace with white ones.

- slings

Remove mules essentially.
Add maybe more variety in weapons.

Wylisc, Morth, Unright
Nothing special in mind.

1st weapon: spear or none
2nd weapon: sword, sax, axehammer or none
Throwing weapon: angons, javelins, franciscas or none
Shield: round shield, flat or lenticular
Headgear: frankish helmets, lamellar helmets
Body: tunics, coats, mail, lamellar
Legs: legwraps, gaiters

- gaiters
- angons
- axehammer
- lamellar helmets (from SoT)
- frankish tunics.

Most important is to remove the "Dena helmet".

Dena pirate
Mostly good.
For balance sake, maybe some with light armor or no helmets, less swords, more spear.
Angons are needed aswell.

An idea for Dena and Franks could be to have 3 levels, to avoid players getting crushed all the time by elite warriors. Tell me if it's possible.

Lot of specific clothes are needed.
Currently women, including in towns, have male clothes and ugly headgear which is... Weird.
Only in the two last levels they could get "male" clothing, and it should be fit to their corpses.
No helmets for them.
List of towns pts scene:


Changes need:


Horse saddlery and harness still need reworking. Saddle cloth can be changed, with period pattern or furs aswell.
See here otherwise:


- coatofplate: change the forearm protection for all of those. It shall not be studded leather, simple leather is ok. No mail underneath, just fur
- nordiclightarmor: numbers 1, 10, 12, 3, 11, 5, 2, 7, 8, 9 needs to be reworked
See for those:
Noble tunics: lot of corrections needed. The body texture should be the same as the sleeves, with the pants having a different ones. Checkered patterns are not advised all the time, and they would need some tweaking. Brooch and belt could be corrected with period brooch (penannular) and buckles. The cloaks don't need either to be always checkered, but they can be decorated in different ways.
Noble tunics: remove those with a roman torso armor or studded leather armor.


- ragged_leather_jerkin: change the forearm protection for all of those. It shall not be studded leather, simple leather is ok.
- kaftan: excellent stuff. Don't forget to name it "Warrior jacket" or "Riding coat" ingame.


- mail_coat 6 7 8: reskin them with better mail texture
- mail_shirt: 1 to 9: same
- hauberk (5-6): a tunic should appear underneath in the middle between the thighs
- raider_hauberk: same
- wolf_coat: same
- wolf pelt_mail_coat: same
- mail_shirt: remove all with designs (animals, etc) on mail
- BL_lamellar: for all see
Lamellar armor: tunics underneath needs long sleeves, not short ones. Some have a bicolor tunic: make it monocolor (like blue lamellar with green half).

- nobleman_outfzx and merchant_outfa, and generally scale armor: those two are good for Gaels and Picts, more variation needed in metal used, shape of the scale, cloth underneath, cloak, see:
- bronze scales
- blued scales
- various tunic and pteruges colors
- cloak fastened by brooch on right shoulder over it.
See male clothing suggestions thread for more stuff about the lèine.


All greaves could easily get a bronze version.

In this category, gaiters are still needed.

Generally speaking for the cloaks, we could have more variation with:
- penannular broochs, which were the dominant type of brooch among Britons, Gaels and Picts by the 7th century, sometimes very decorated with enamel
- fur, different wool weave (like diamond), or simply one color of wool. Checkered clothing is nice but it is also a bit of cliché when picturing celts of any period
- tablet woven braid rims could be a variant, possibly with fringes.

See this for clothing introduction and ideas (most of you got a copy of it, otherwise register the forum or ask me or Idibil if you want a copy of it by PM):

To Idibil, note those cloaks are great for Picts, Britons and Gaels nobles or elite warriors that would sometimes fight without helmets or armor at all.


- cloak: most need reskinning in my view, to get a better texture, except 7, 8, 17, 18, 21, 22
- priest3: I don't think it's very accurate. Ill post suggestions for monk and clerics clothing soon.
- BL_coat5, 7, 8: same comment than with the others in Capasycabeza1, tartan looks too modern, see also the comments to get variants.

Crowns like this are not accurate at all in 7th century Britain. Kingship would be displayed by neckrings, helmets like Sutton Hoo and other weapons/armor, clothing, brooch and other jewelry.
If you want crowns go for simple gold or silver rings.
Ill make suggestions for this soon.

- picta
- celt_body
- war_paintos
- BL_body
Like I told you (Idibil) before, naked Picts are no longer accurate in the 7th century. This was something of the iron age and roman period. However you can keep most of those replacing those undercloth with short, knee-lenght, trousers.
I don't like the ones covered with blue paint. Hower those without anything, or those with pictish tatooes (especially in war_paintos) looks great.
So a lot of reworking needed I think.
Note those Pictish tatooes can be used to make new faces. That would be great.

- scyld: the rim should be stitched, not nailed. More variants can be done using that model
- 2talokbuckler: shield boss should be reworked, shield boss rim should be really round. There are too many rivets currently, 4 to 6 bigger rivets would be enough
- buckler2: same than above, more variants would be great
- ckler: same than above
- talak_jomsviking: different texture is needed, no metal rim
- caledonian_shield: more variants needed for this one
- H_shield: more variant aswell
- tarcza_harfa: more variants, and rework the texture, currently its too bright
- shield_round: more variants could be good.
For suggestions about shields see here:

- celtic_shield: the celtic cross and interlaces are not accurate for 7th century, reskin it
- celtic_shield_small_round: the mesh is great, however the boss texture needs to be reworked (plain boss, with 4-6 rivets), the rim should not be metal
The decoration should be changed, currently it's only germanic knots, plain ones can be great, otherwise see suggestions (go for simple things like rings and dots, swirls, etc.)
- celtic_shield_small_roundLB: same
- shieldID: excellent if it is a small or medium one, maybe more variants

- ad_vikingroundshield15: good idea but bad texture, making both flat and lenticular shield with metal fittings like on the Sutton Hoo shield would be great
- numbers 11, 24, 36: decoration looks too much viking, so reskinning is needed
- number 37 has weird colors
- numbers 25, 26, 27, 28: really excellent for the three celtic cultures.
- shield12: has celtic cross, reskinning needed
- shield7 and 9: bad texture IMO
- shield10 and 11: looks too much viking.

Scabbard lacking for those:
- pattern spatha
- gaelic champion sword (and reworking pommel needed)

Scabbard lacking for those:
- le_richsword1 and 2
- bamburg_sword
- BL_shsword

Remove (11th or later look):
- Nsword
- NS 2 3 4 8 9 10

->Espadas 3
Scabbard lacking for those:
- irish longsword
- irishsword
- bamburgsword and bamburgsword2
- saxonsword
- irishword2
- celtic 1 and 2
- sword 1 2 3 4
- le_pictishsword (note 7 looks quite saxon, and 2 could be a generic spatha for all cultures)
- all scians (one with a decorated ring-and-dots bone handle would be nice).

- irishword (the one with antropomorphic bronze hilt taken from SoT)


- hood: needs reskinning with different color and better texture
- helm_captainA: change mail texture, this one is not that accurate (looks like butted galvanised larp rings!)

- irishaxefaradorn: remove
- taxe: remove or rework, head bridge should be narrow (just like the native hand axe)
- frankishaxe: tweak a bit the texture.
Otherwise more frankish axes would be good.

Remove kontos.

Pictish faces with tatooes (like those in desnudos.brf war_paintos) are really needed.
A male face with freckles (or several faces) with hair variants is really needed aswell, for the different ages. That way we can give king Domnall of Dal Riata his real face, his nickname beeing Brecc, the freckled!

freckled faces of men and women

See suggestions for new hair:

- horn: this one is good for Anglo-saxons, other culture can get one without runes on the rim (perhaps a bronze rim and fitting)
- palka: those are good, is there only one handed or also two handed versions? Maybe one hand and half
- pick and pickaxe: don't forget to remove those...

- huntingdagger: its a seax aswell :) A scabbard is needed.

->Tempered_mats and Tempered_mesh
Those tents shall be reskinned to off-white or brown.
Getelds saxon tents would be better however on the camp.
Ill post suggestions (in camps you can also get simple shelters made with local trees or cloth).

- rath_spangen_lord: simply raise a bit the front of it to see the eyes of characters (or rotate it slightly to the back)
- helmetx2: needs correction for the model as the cheekguards are currently wrongly positionned (just like if they were not tied). Variants with horsehair tail can be added
- celtycke_lebka: good one, but the variants with cheekguards, horsehair tail, or iron texture are still needed
- dux_ridge_gold: remove gemstones from cheeks and noseguard.
- horn_helmet: variants needed
- rathos_spang and briton_helmet: could get variants.

Before going further, refer to those threads:
- introduction about clothing:
- male clothing suggestions:
- female clothing suggestions:

- gaelic_jacket: variants needed, see (hay en SoT 2 más)

- pict_long_tunic: retexture 1 and 4
- kent tunic, tunikwjac: excellent stuff! Variants needed however
- pictishdress and dress2: change color (a bit too much of blue), belt for the dress2?

- noblemanshirt: reskin all of them (gaelic and pictish aswell), no black tunic
- BL_NT: remove the black and white checkered rims on sleeves, this type of tunic is good for anglo-saxons. Also the bottom should not be hollow at the middle, if you see what I mean
In those ones, remove or reskin: red09/blue04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12/green 04 05/red 05 06 07 08.

- BL_NT: remove the black and white checkered rims on sleeves, this type of tunic is good for anglo-saxons. Also the bottom should not be hollow at the middle
In those: edit blue08, 11_coat (modern looking tartan), red04, red12

- picttunic2, 3, 4: edit color (no pure white)
- braz, czermany, gairlom, purpura: edit them, currently cloak, sleeves, overgarnment and brooch are all of the same color! It was a very attempt of Kolba at texturing in SoT :)
- padded leather: remove or tweak the texture
- padded tunic: same
- armor 27 and 26: no bicolor half, more variants could be nice using that mesh.

- peasants
- shirt
Can and should get more variants! No red hood of course
Brytenwalda / Brytenwalda: Videos (update 23-01-2011)
January 26, 2011, 06:35:49 PM
Finally, with the appearance of several video and due to its high quality, it is best to designate this thread for it.

-If you wish add your video, post it here and We include in the initial list.
-If you wish add notes or findings, avise us.

Name: Brytenwalda - Scenes From the Dark Ages
Autor: Adorno

Notes: I love this video, that tone evocative, the music epic, and the sliding of the camera for great scenes


Name: Brytenwalda Film
Autor: Sniffero

Notes: Absolutely epic. An incredible start to keep you glued to monitor the two and a half minutes it lasts, and you're left wanting more.

Name: Let`s play series
Autor: Castellan Fortescue

Notes: Excellent videos on the progress of a game. Ideal for beginners as veterans.

Name: Brytenwalda The Wargame
Autor: Endakil

Notes: Visual Arpoximaci
If you have crash while saving a game, sometimes during or after a bigger battle, look here:,131274.0.html

Thanks to sPOONz by this advise.

If you have crash then of first battle look here:,145644.0.html

If you have problem with supply wagon:,138298.0.html

If you have crashed and you have ATI card or 32bit OS...,131274.0.html

If you have problem after of big battles or sieges:

if you are running as an Administrator go to Menu Start -> Run, type cmd and press ENTER
if not go to Menu Start -> Programs ...-> Accessories, press RMB on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
in Command Prompt type "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2990" without quotes and press ENTER
Brytenwalda installation and troubleshooting,
Autor: Makute

Read before installing.

This guide is intended to help new players to properly install and configure Brytenwalda, as most of the crashes and freezes seems to be caused by a bad installation, and the reports of such crashes are scattered across many threads. Any suggestions are welcome, and the moderators are, of course, free to modify or amend it in any way. Please, read it twice before installing the mod.



Spoiler: click to toggle

Step 1.- Download the latest version (currently v1.31) from either M&B Repository (380 MB).

Mod for Warband 1.134
OFICIAL: Brytenwalda v 1.331  

Download Brytenwalda 1.331


Import, writte your install rute: "mountblade warband\Modules".
Steam users should extract it in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\mountblade warband\Modules".
If you can't find the "Modules" folder use the Search function. If you already installed Brytenwalda and want to make a clean install, delete the old folder, DO NOT OVERWRITE IT.

Step 3.- DO NOT TWEAK OR MODIFY ANY FILE. I know that the drive cattle quests are a pain in the ass, but we are trying to make the mod work, so please don't touch anything, even with aplications like TweakM&B. You can make your own customizations when we make sure that everything is working properly.

Step 4.- Search for the rgl_config.txt file, located in "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband" and modify the number in "render_buffer_size" to "256" if you have less than 2GB of RAM or "512" if you have more than 2GB. Do not modify anything else!

Step 5.- Make sure that Warband (and Steam if you're a Steam user) are whitelisted from the Windows firewall (or the one you actually use), and that your antivirus is not blocking them.

Step 6.- Double click on the "Warband" shortcut and change the Current Module from "Native" to "Brytenwalda". Click Configure and change the language to English in the game tab. This may not appeal some, but officially, Brytenwalda only supports english language. In the video tab, tick the Load Texture On Demand option. Now, press OK and Play M&B Warband.

Yes, we have not installed the awesome Polished Landscapes addon, not yet. It is alternative donwload that you can meet in:,135589.0.html
Use this version for Brytenwalda. We avise you, PL have problem with Warband 1.134.

Now the game is starting, you should see a loading bar at the bottom, and after that, the Play Tutorial, Start New Game, etc. options. If it is possible START A NEW GAME, DO NOT LOAD A PREVIOUS ONE.

Now you'll see a screen that reads "Wait three minutes". The game has not frozen (yet), it may take 3 real life minutes to load, just be patient. I know, I know... in three minutes you can crush dozens of bandits, but we must wait a while.

Now, you should be fighting your very first combat in Brytenwalda, so enjoy it and good luck!

-If you see old names of kingdoms or towns, you need change your language for Brytenwalda, like us said in step 6

-If you are try find Salt Mine, its name is Salinae in Brytenwalda, it is latin.

-You will see jerking screen each day or week, it isnt a bug, Brytenwalda have 31 kingdoms and generate a lot of diplomacy information, we had "hidden" it to avoid saturation of unnecessary messages to player, but messages need happen internally.

-If you wish delete DUST in your game, you need go to Warband > options> video options
Off in particle system

-Fix Textures problem:  In Warband - Configure - Video enable "Load Textures on demand".  In module.ini  in Brytenwalda folder set  scan_module_texture = 1. (Thanks to Rad by this advise)

If the game freezes or crashes at some point, then you must search the rgl_log.txt file located in the Brytenwalda folder, and post its content in this thread (to keep the thread readability post it spoilered), and a detailed drescription of what and where were you doing: Besieging a castle, talking with someone, viewing a report...

Thank you all for reading this, and please, make good use of this thread keeping it on topic and posting only crashes or freezes related problems.

Brytenwalda / Guides/Strategy/gameplay
January 26, 2011, 06:32:11 PM

- Beginner Guide (autor: blackitalian) -,155372.0.html

- Good music to listen to while playing -,136923.0.html

- Trading and Enterprises Tips v1.2 -,137594.0.html

- Tactics on the battlefield -,137576.0.html


- Companion like and dislike -,136511.0.html

- Beowulf Quest [spoilers] -,136319.0.html

- Character Creation - What does what and what is the results...[spoilers] -,138018.0.html

- About bows -,138477.0.html

- Salt Mine -,135862.0.html

- How exactly does honor work? -,140036.0.html

- companion interactions off -,46630.0.html

- Kill captured lords -,137199.msg3298858.html#msg3298858

- Supply Wagon -,138298.0.html

- Gae Bolga quest [spoilers] -,147552.0.html

- Realistic Casualties, some help understanding -,147257.0.html

- Tactics on the battlefield -,137576.15.html

- How do money -,151889.0.html

- Change Player Faction Color -,149007.0.html

-- Dark Ages Campaign Blog  -

-- How to increase morale?  -,154329.0.html

-- Courtship secret meetings. How get a wife  -,155012.0.html



The list of credits is long (The community around Mount & Blade is awesome. Without you, Brytenwalda not have been possible), may be I forgot someone, if you isnt here, send a pm to Idibil and you will be add.
On the other hand, we have asked all the permissions to authors who required it, someone may have changed his mind, if you're here and you dont want to be, send pm to Idibil and you will be deleted and your work removed from Brytenwalda.
Thank you.


Obi Juan Kenobi


Obi Juan Kenovi

Thanks to Kolba and Songs of Taliesin team (Morcant, TheWitcher, Rathos, Pagan, Narf of Picklestink, Roland, bjorne, Somairle, Spongly, Andeg, Markus II and Recidivist) for allowing to we use their models and icons in Brytenwalda, and give us a space in them forum, help us as much as possible and more, them advise and they be here You are great!



2 Page


1. -Battle System features improved morale, training, historical weight of weapons, realistic speeds and many other things. It is more difficult to defeat the enemy now, you must think offensively, try win his flank


1 Page


1. -New system of character creation.
2. -New quests
3.-New textures
4. -Cultural stores - depending on the culture you visit you will find different products in the stores.
5. -Improved faces for NPCs and, new faces for women, men, and especially, new face for picts!
6. -Talk to village elder and Guild Master in menu.You can speak Guild Master in Town Menus
7. -New (and most Warband) bandits and mercenaries.
8. -Extra renown for winning the tournament.
9. -Make people love you, hate you, or fear you with a new system of improved relations with villages.
10. -Listen to the songs of the bards.
11. - New Pictures
12.- Improved Dialogs
13.-Dramatically increasing the cost of unit upkeep.
14.- troop tree in game - (see: camp menu > take an action > Troop tree).
15-. Improved dialogs.
16-. Add new menus in reports (Factions relations, lords relations...)
17-. Add export/import npcs menu in camp menu.
18-. Full encyclopedia for you can know the VII century and gameplay if you wish. (In game: Notes menu)
19-. Tons of new art work.
-You can choose your faith: Old celtic gods, Celtic Christianity, Roman Christianity or Germanic Gods.
- Depending on your faith, you can build a temple or other. You can build a temple/church for try converted to a population of a settlement.
- You can change your Religion if you talk to Bishop or Pagan Priest on Great Hall of Towns.
- You can attack to enemies of your religion like clergy parties or pagans priest parties.
- Improve income converted to people to your religion.
- Religion affect your relationships with villages and towns.
- You can try converted all Britannia and Hibernnia to your Religion!


Spoiler: click to toggle


1. -A detailed map of the British Isles (including the countries we know as England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland now), with meticulous recreation of the coasts, rivers, forests and mountains.
2. -A map almost twice the size of Native.
3. -More than 40 cities, over 75 castles and 200 villages to explore, conquer and plunder. All with historical names.
4. -New Icons for forts and villages.

Spoiler: click to toggle

-----> World

1. -31 Historical Kingdoms, all specific to the year 636. A huge world to explore: With Kings, lords, ladies, bards, priests and many other characters.
2. -More than 200 historical characters to interact with, their behaviors defined according to what we know of them. Meet the Brytenwalda Oswald, his brother, Oswiu, which will give life to future Northumbria. The pious Annan, who saw his brothers die in bloody wars with Mierce; talk to the beautiful Hild, be before Santa; the widow of Edwin, and Aethelburh; the warlike King. Penda, the murderer of kings; the Bishop Binarus; Talk to King of Powys, Eluan, or the legendary Nowy Hen among others.
3. -Nearly 50 extra
Brytenwalda / Sigs
January 26, 2011, 06:22:09 PM

SIGS (thanks to Verbeek):

Some sigs, for the fans. Grab one and get advertising!

With imageshack




Sig by SirDCC


With photobucket





I am...


Mod for Warband 1.134

OFICIAL: Brytenwalda v 1.331

Download Brytenwalda 1.331

VIDEO: Brytenwalda - Scenes From the Dark Ages

-Important note: Old Savegames 1.33 compatible.
-Game Languages: english and french.
-Big and featured campaig Single Player. No multiplayer or custom battle mod. If you wish do them, you can send pm to a brytenwalda member team.


Dark Ages in British Isles are fascinating, a dismal warlike time, in which people fight for survive. A dark age with deep blend of cultures.
6th and 7th centuries were a time when invaders (Saxons, Angles and Jutes) tried hard their destiny in a new world with the steel of their swords, shields and spears. Ancient people tried to resist, while they saw how their kingdoms are defeated and conquest by those