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Messages - Gigantus

Could you upload it? I would love to check how it works and also to provide a safe upload at TWC. If possible a link to the original website\page will help immensely - if it's not the tool referred to in the TWC thread (first post).
My coding experience is all M2TW based, so someone would have to review my code. Let me post the link to the RTW docu demons here:

And here is the link for the TW Script Editor:

That should help for references.
If the regional colors for major, not connected, water bodies are the same then the AI will treat them as a continuous sea region in it's invade calculations. Meaning India will treat England as being able to be invaded by sea from India. Naval invasion as such are fairly rare so a trial cold be done with just one sea region color.

Minor sea\lake regions completely enclosed by a region are best to be filled with the region's color after map work is concluded.
I am not sure if it will help, but I wrote a tutorial for M2TW and uploaded all the stuff for it.
You can easily create a new building with multiple conditions.

            [new building] requires factions { abc, } and [condition 1] or [condition 2] or [condition 3] or [condition 4]
                trade_base_income_bonus bonus [leve] requires [condition A]
                trade_base_income_bonus bonus [leve] requires [condition B]
                trade_base_income_bonus bonus [leve] requires [condition C]
                trade_base_income_bonus bonus [leve] requires [condition D]
Rome - Total Realism / Re: Climates for new map
October 26, 2016, 02:43:38 AM
Looking good to me, just bear in mind that the climate works together with the ground type - that combination then creates the desired look on the map (see descr_aerial_map_ground_types).
I suppose culture is the so called 'loyalty' entry in descr_regions? Example the Gauls in Anatolia in vanilla. It is referred to as 'loyalty' as this indicates which faction the region will revert to in case of a revolt. (That was one heck of surprise with the Gauls all of a sudden owning that region).

Representing port names - it's possible in M2TW, but it requires a spare faction and requires to freeze that faction's AI  - something I am not sure can be done in RTW.
Rome - Total Realism / Re: Bug report thread
October 19, 2016, 07:06:16 AM
Silly question: where are all your sound text files?

In M2TW this would be defined in descr_sounds_units_fire by creating a type based entry that will list units that would use the sound effects listed in that section. Example for cross bow units:

        type Peasant Crossbowmen, Crossbowmen, Aventurier, Pavise Crossbowmen, Pavise Crossbow Militia, Genoese Crossbowmen, Genoese Crossbow Militia, Crossbow Militia, EE Crossbow Militia, Mercenary Pavise Crossbowmen, Mercenary Crossbowmen, ME Peasant Crossbowmen, ME Crossbow Militia, CE Wagon Fort, Gulay Gorod, Hussites
    stage ready
            event lod 5
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows

            event lod 20
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows

           event lod 40
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows
        stage aim
                event lod 5
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows

            event lod 20
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows

            event lod 40
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows
        stage fire
            event lod 5 volume -30
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows
            event lod 20 volume -25
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows
            event lod 40 volume -25
                folder data/sounds/SFX/Group/Missile/Crossbows
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 18, 2016, 05:51:50 AM
Depending on the headgear between hip and lower chest high usually gives the best results, graphic wise. Don't forget to allow for the space on top for the additional info display.
Rome - Total Realism / Re: Climates for new map
October 18, 2016, 04:12:25 AM
Makes sense
I think your Steppe_Summer effect will have to be precise in word and effect, either the movement is restricted or not. Else have two summer traits, depending on the region the character is in.
I agree, but then it s rather weird how graphics are handled in RTW\M2TW. If a reduction of the effects (shadow, grass distance etc) increases your frame rate then you can understand what I mean.
3.5GHz is usually fast enough, some graphics cards have problems handling the grass (distance set too far).
Rome - Total Realism / Re: Bug report thread
October 16, 2016, 05:05:40 PM
I know, paragraph 8 - still doesn't make any sense. Pretty much everything else is fairly logical in that long list - just not this.
Regarding screenshots: this tutorial for M2TW is applicable for RTW as well. The necessary entries are in the preferences file.