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Messages - Ballacraine

This is sounding very interesting.

Balla.  8)
Well, at worst that means folk will have to spring a few pennies on a disc copy, if they don't already have it.

You Tube is probably a better method of promotion anyway.

Is the RTW / BI / Alex engine going to be selectable from the launcher?

Balla.  8)
Revision 164

'A runtime patch is applied to RomeTW-BI to make it look like ALX.exe'

Does that mean the Alex AI is being used?

Balla.  ???
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 27, 2014, 04:38:24 PM
Revision 128

No recruitable units showing in any Roman Settlement at outset.

Balla.  :-\
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 27, 2014, 09:48:32 AM
Revision 126

CTD at launch.

Script error in RTR/data/export_descr_unit.txt Line443 column 31.

Could not find soldier battle model for unit type 'roman extraordinarii cavalry'

Balla.  :-\
Quote from: ahowl11 on April 26, 2014, 12:08:51 AM

I think you misunderstood. Or did I misunderstand your post? lol

We would keep the Rorarii, Leves, and Accensi until 211 and then have them replaced by Velites. But that would be it. The Hastati, Principes, Triarii, and Equites would stay the same through out the course of the game. So it would save us 4 slots.

However if we can find someone who has graphic skills we could use one model for both the camillan hastati/principes and polybian hastati/principes so I guess this decision still has yet to be finalized.

I am afraid to go in one direction, only to have a better option come up later, making us restart. So I'd rather wait.

No, I am on beam with what you are saying, it is just that I don't care for the earlier light troops.

I much prefer the velites.

Balla.  8)
I really don't see the point of 3 eras for that.

The middle one is so transient.

Balla.  8)
Yes, that would make some sense.

I dislike the earlier similar light units anyway, as in real terms there is little to chose between them.

Balla.  8)
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 24, 2014, 09:50:46 PM
OK....Makes sense.

Balla.  8)
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 24, 2014, 06:05:50 PM
Still getting the same error messages at Revision 105

Settlement in question is Ariminum.

Balla  :-\
I went with 4.

If we are ever going to go with 3 eras of Roman troops, I would rather see Post Marian / Imperial.

Balla.  8)
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 23, 2014, 10:37:55 PM
Revision 98.

CTD on battle load:

Error Filename Does Not Exist.



Script Error RTR/data/descr_model_battle.txt Line 1122 Column 38

Balla.  :-\
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 23, 2014, 09:04:50 PM
Yes, everything seems to work as expected.

It is coming along nicely.

Balla.  8)
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 23, 2014, 08:49:02 PM

2 daughters & one son...  :)

Anyway updated report on build 97

The previous lower case settlements are unnamed and showing as forts.

As 'Peace of Rome' was completed simultaneously in two settlements, got a duplicated audio announcement.

'Allies of Rome' branch option, gives a 5% law order bonus & allows for recruiting Peasants, Accensi. Leves & Rorarii

'Roman Annexation' branch option gives -10% order due to law & -10% happiness. Tier 2 gives peasants only.

That's as far as I have got.

I have a save game to continue from if needed, but I think it will be a long time in turns before I hit the next barrack level.

Balla.  :-\
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Balla's Beta Reports
April 23, 2014, 06:53:41 PM
I make notes in notepad as I progress, so it may hop from topic to topic.

When we get further on in campaign testing I shall include screen shots as appropriate.

I have just downloaded rev 97 & these are my initial comments:

Looking at Rome itself:

We have both the Campus Martius & Legion Barracks in a seperate build slots.
Equites & Equites Consularis are linked to the Campus Martius, but there is still the option to build Stables.

Tile backgrounds do not blend with the vanilla, but at this stage that is a good thing as they are more noticeable.

I hope to post more later, but I have to do taxi duty for one of my daughters.  ::)

Balla.  8)